Deep in the vast void between stars a massive ship hurtles along, just barely slower than light itself. The ship is a tower over 3 kilometers tall, standing upon four engine pods pouring forth the immense energy required to continuously accelerate the ship at 1.3G towards it’s destination. Most of the ship consists of cargo holds - everything necessary to start a new colony; Including thousands of criminals convicted of the most heinous crimes kept in cryogenic storage. At the very top of the tower are the crew quarters, space for the 26 crewmembers who oversee the highly automated operations of the ship.
The captain slouched in the chair in the middle of the bridge, idly flicking through an old magazine. The worst thing about these trips was the boredom, travelling at nearly the speed of light they could never receive a radio message from back home and so they were truly isolated. The crew barely even saw one another, mostly keeping to their own sections of the ships and quietly performing their duties - this kind of job tended to attract the quiet type.
The chief engineer walked across the starboard side power station towards reactor number three. He loved being down here, in the domain of his machines; down below, a drop of hundreds of meters to the liquid helium storage, up above masses of pipes and cables twisted around upwards into the darkness, and ahead stretched 10 concrete spheres each housing a single fusion reactor. As he passed reactor number 2 a rumble passed through the ship knocking a haze of dust up into the air, seconds later klaxons rang out and red emergency lights came on. A few seconds later another, as he ran towards a computer terminal another rumble made him stumble. A few seconds later, another much closer explosion knocked him off his feet. The chief inspected the computer panel and could barely believe what he saw: something had smashed through the mass deflection field in front of the ship and collided with the hull in three places. The first piece of debris had smashed into the bridge, utterly annihilating the first 175 meters of the ship and most likely killing the entire command crew. The second had smashed into the cargo storage, destroying thousands of tonnes of supplies as well as decompressing huge areas of the ship. The final hit had pierced the port side cryogenic storage units, the ship was venting thousands of tonnes of liquid helium into space and was being slowly knocked off course as more vented. The chief began running towards the port side airlocks…
In the suspended animation chamber some of the pods began to light up. Helium flow had been disrupted and several prisoners began to wake up.
Welcome to the ISS Relatively Fast - a disaster has heavily damaged the ship and several prisoners have escaped from cryogenic storage. The crew must eliminate the psychopaths before the psychopaths murder them all.
Most of the systems on board the ship have been critically damaged and must be repaired before they fail and damage or destroy the ship. Each day players may elect a system to repair, during the night all players will attempt to repair the systems they selected, only one system will be successfully repaired. The group of players which repairs a system will be in control of it, and can (by majority vote in a private thread) perform special actions using the system.
If a system is damaged and suffers further damage a system will begin a critical failure countdown (announced in the thread at the start of the day). If the countdown completes without the system being repaired the system will fail critically and cannot be repaired. Critical failures can have serious consequences
Functional Systems
- Power Grid -
Xamino, Pendrokar, King_Cosmos - Propulsion - Arkenbrien, Mattk50,
Enginish, Pendrokar - Deflector - LyskTrevise, Cise, Skyentist, King_Cosmos
- Point Defence Array - LucasFIN,
NobleBrutus - Environmental Control - LucasFIN,
TerranAmbass,Xamino,NobleBrutus, Lomsor,Krishna - Crew Quarters -
Cise, The_Sane, Arkenbrien - Structural Integrity - The_Sane, Arkenbrien, Mattk50,
NobleBrutus - Security Grid - LucasFIN, Skyentist, Pendrokar, King_Cosmos
Damaged Systems
- Medical Bay
- Cryogenic Storage
- The GM will never directly lie.
- Violating any rule is punishable by death.
- During the night phase no one may post in the forum thread. Private messaging between players is allowed at any time of the day or night.
- Dead players must never contact other players about the game. They may post one single message to roleplay their death, but this must not contain any important information about the game.
- PM Communications between the GM and the player are secret. Do not screenshot or directly quote PMs from the GM to other players.
- Days will last 48 hours, nights will last 24 hours. Inactive players will be killed mercilessly.
- Retracted votes MUST be struck through. If you don’t do this then your vote may be counted twice. Attempting to exploit this is not advisable.
- Votes should be bold and in on a separate line at the end of your post. If you don’t do this then the GM may miss your vote and not count it.
To sign up simply say a “I’m in” followed by a brief description of your character/roleplay.
1. LyskTrevise - Nominal Systems Announcer
2. Cise - Chief Political Officer
3. The_Sane - Chief Steward
4. LucasFIN - Chief Cartographer
5. TerranAmbass - Hull Repair Specialist
6. Topperfalkon - Emperor
7. Arkenbrien - Kitchen Assistant
8. Mattk50
9. cybercritic - Software Engineer
10. Xamino - Cryogenic Technician
11. NobleBrutus
12. Enginish
13. Skyentist - Astrophysicist/Navigator
14. Pendrokar - Royal Guard
15. Lomsor - Chief Elevator Technician
16. King_Cosmos
17. Krishna
Night 0 - Flavien battered to death with his own keyboard
Day 1 - Topperfalkon Escapes
Night 1 - cybercritic misreads fusion reactor operator manual
Day 2 - TerranAmbass decides he needs to get out more
Night 2 - Enginish chills out
Day 3 - Krishna drops out
Night 3 - Xamino hangs around
Day 4 - Cise conducts unexpected repairs on the cooling ducts
Night 4 - LyskTrevise loses some weight
Day 5 - NobleBrutus receives emergency medical attention
Thanks To LucasFIN