Since I’ve already spent time making it easier for the Russian community members to translate the game, might as well post a Google Spreadsheet template here for other i18n.
I’ve prepared an online spreadsheet for translating the interface of Infinity: Battlescape and for downloading a valid final CSV file. Currently, Battlescape only has around 500+ strings to translate. I-Novae might only start thinking of hiring professional translators near or after final release, if able to.
Hint: Use Ctrl+C on auto-translated cells & Ctrl+Shift+V on cells within the second column where you see fit.
Make a copy of this Strings.csv translation template:
Installation: Infinity: Battlescape localization consists of two files, Strings.csv, which contains translations and a meta.xml file, which declares languages. You add/replace these files under: \Dev\Localization\<iso_code>\
Steam default Localization path:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Infinity Battlescape\Dev\Localization\
Note: Within in-game options Apply & Save will reload the CSV file. This means you don’t have to restart the game for every change done within the file!
Infinity Communities:
Chinese Community Website Translation efforts led by @Freeman
Translation Platform
German Translation efforts led by @Playbenni, previously by @Seuche
Russian Community Thread Translation efforts led by @whirsil
(using the translation platform mentioned above is encouraged)Russian Community Translation Document
French Translation efforts led by @Argopeilacos, will get proofread by @INovaeFlavien when very near to launch of v1.0
European Portuguese Translation efforts led by @Sevlagoth (See below,
help requested, no published file)
Turkish Translation got a third of its way towards completion (link to Google Sheet)
Spanish auto-translated (link to Google Sheet)