Crazy that people get so upset about games that they spend zero money on and know so little about.
I agree, there is no point in replying. Maybe he’ll come around later.
Makes me wonder what will happen if all those people that spend hundreds or thousands on star citizen get to play the finished product. Thats going to be a crazy shitstorm if these people realize that their unrealistic dreams can’t be fullfilled.
Saw that comment too, pretty sickening. INE takes a proactive approach, producing content, doing a KS, basically shutting up the “vaporware” bs once and for all and somehow people still find a way (in their minds) to twist that into something negative. Then you have the “this is just a SC / E:D / NMS clone” ones. Going to NMS channels and saying “This is just an Infinity clone,” while scummy and not completely true, would in fact be a more accurate statement.
Anyway, there are only 3 days left. Keep at it forum monsters.
Yeah, there are always gonna be haters or fanboys of other games, we (a lot of people) are loving this project and this is the only thing that matters =)
That is actually a surprise, because on the old forums there was a heated discussion between Josh(as XeonXT_ in this forum) and I-Novae team(more info). Sure he is still interested, but I didn’t expect him to be as excited as we are.
Josh (@XeonXT_) was always a supporter of Infinity and at the time had some radical ideas for a much wider use of procedural generation within the game. There was quite a lot of resistance to his ideas (for one thing it would have meant scrapping a lot of contributed artwork) and the discussion was left with the participants agreeing to disagree. It might be that was one of the drivers for Josh going alone was to prove that his ideas for large scale procedural generation would work in a game. Ironically since then I-Novae have scrapped the majority of the artwork that was contributed anyway.
Why wouldn’t he be excited? I believe it’s a reasonable response to the possibility of having another cool space game to play with.
Even if we assume he isn’t a cool guy who genuinely wants the project to succeed because he likes it or has invested emotionally in it (or I:TQFE), it still makes sense to root for it. His Kickstarter is finished and the two games aren’t direct competitors so any success I-Novae has and any new people it brings in is likely to lead to more attention to space games in general and the possibility of more cool space games happening, thus profit for him.
I found this while googling. Don’t know who wrote it or why, buy I thought I should post it here so you can see what kind of questions people might ask. We have the answers for some of those questions already and I’m pretty sure most of those will be addressed during the Kickstarter.
Google has a feature (called “search tools” I think?) that lets you search for results added in the last 24 hours. I use that once a day since the Kickstarter was announced to see if any new news articles were added. So don’t be surprised with me, be surprised with Google’s web crawlers and the amount of data they can sift through and categorize…
Excellent Q/A !
Indeed, we already have answers for many of the questions, but all are legitimate as you can’t expect anyone to know even the summary of the project.
That sounds akward… I can’t imagine someone working so hard for his ideal project to abandon it just like that. Was this kind of question already asked in other KS ?
That was one of my “off the top of my head” questions and reading it back now it doesn’t make much sense. I was thinking of projects that have been successful on Kickstarter and then the technology has been purchased by a third party and the project cancelled. Can’t think of a specific example but it’s something I’ve heard of happening.
Cool to see mention of Josh’s project and extra cool to see that he’s also excited about Battlescape. I followed the LT videos closely each month, and I intend to do the same whence the great Kickstarter bomb is dropped upon us.
Just posted a bit of evangelism over at the Gamers With Jobs forums. GWJ is a great community, and puts out a weekly podcast which is IMO some of the best general gaming weekly commentary around.
Anyhow, in the event any of you are members of the GWJ forums, get your a** over there and toss your hat in the ring!