Impression time!
A huge patch. Always surprised by the amount of changes the team sneaks in while only announcing part of them. Ha.
Seems to have made the Cruiser in particular more resilient. Shield bleedtrough seems much lower now. We’ve talked about this in the past and this is an interesting change indeed. Once shields drop you are shredded anyway though. Need to play more, especially compared to cap vs cap.
Is quite limiting. Needs some getting used to. Doesn’t feel like “badass” when perfectly unloading a barage of kinetics on a target but I guess it could … it could be a fun additional skill thing. Timing and such.
Heat bar should be closer to the centre. Like around the outer targeting ring maybe (maybe that’s a bit too extreme). It’s too substantial. Much more important than energy in my opinion. Probably because the punishement for not looking at it is much more severe then when running out of energy. Or at least put it on the inside of the ring.
Looking forward to the external factors. Hope it goes both ways for more interesting, like environments that cool and such.
Already reported but the ships with the new collision meshes seem to trigger a bug near stations and installations. Even with enough distance to structures the game sometimes briefly slows down a lot and sometimes the ship gets flung away, phase trough or stuck inside a structure. Flavien will look into it.
New collision meshes are sickkkk … flying close to/in capital hulls felt great. Although the one I flew close was not moving. Still great. Inties fly quite fast though. Maybe scales will be nudged a bit in a balancing phase. Stations and Cap Ships are massive but due to how fast the ships are they seem quite tiny.
Capital controls. Tried it a bit. Seems fine and in the right direction. I tried to look past the incompleteness but not being able to override, “set heading” being hardcoded to ShipForward and some other things made me rather use the other methods.
I think the concept is good. I would like a separate key event for “set heading” though that I could bind and I would suggest making the ship fully execute that command and not require the player hold the button into that direction until the ship has reached the heading. Look into direction. Click/Press. Look back at what you want to fire at. That’s an acceptable compromise in my opinion and fast enough. Curves still can be flown by holding the “set heading” key.
With this the usual “Generic Flight controls” can be (or I hope will be) usable. With those override can be achieved again like in the other modes as well as roll and other things.
See this thread for my input concerning camera controls. Have edited some stuff for clarity and fixed some errors a day after posting.
Another thing to consider additional to my suggestion is to maybe have the camera axis in the capital ship mode not be relative to the ship orientation but something from the world. Like downwards near a planet/moon or “arbitrary plane” in deep space. I think this would make orientation a lot easier.
Often when doing an attack run on a facotry my ship does all kinds of turns, given, yeah, mostly because I turn the ship so I can see, still, its confusing to keep track to where I’m looking.
The “arbitrary plane” in space is debatable though. It would take a lot from the feeling the game has. Most other games feel … gamey because of exactly that arbitrary plane and the introduction of “up down” trough it. I would be glad if someone else or I-Novae can come up with a better solution.
Current behaviour could be used in deep space. Up/Down exists above a moon or planet anyway … even up there at a station … debatable indeed.
HUD / Camera
I like the small changes. HUD has some small imperfections now though. The health and power bars exceed their background (margin) on top and bottom.
I noticed that major warning are displayed even in HUD off.
Select nearest feels a bit weird. I feel like it doesn’t want to select the closer target if the distance difference isn’t big enough … maybe that’s just perception but it felt that way.
Heat alert should come up a bit before overheating. (Maybe also add “Energy Low”)
Suggestion. For ships with manual aim turrets the reticules (both) should follow the view and not be fixed forwards … like for the ships with fixed forward guns. Corvette doesn’t need a reticule as you don’t need to aim with it.
Another thing that can be polished later on is the way the display bars change. Their movement is smooth yes, but there are obvious steps in that movement visible which breaks immersion a bit.
Repeater Gun is fun. I think I also saw a Blaster Version. That version is missing the oomph though. It’s ok for it to have a lower fire rate but the sound effect should be tweaked maybe to make it equally fun as the gun or at least recognisable from other blasters.
Fun thought: Engine Overcharge increases Turret turn speed … ahh? Would be fun maybe.
Gas giant colour … even though it’s closer to my favourite colour I got quite used to our purple Rethe. Huh. Looks more like an Ice Giant now. Variety is key anyway.
Like the renaming of hardpoint sizes. It’s clearer indeed. Egosoft also had to bite that bullet once …
Quite improved. Error corrections have vastly decreased for me. I still get player ships jittering around every now and then that looks a bit ugly.
Last version I had very abrupt course changes “loss of control” this seems to have been minimised a lot. Thanks! Performance and Networking are really important parts to make a game enjoyable and I:B looks great in these regards. Well done.