Is force feedback (haptic feedback) a game engine feature? I have no idea, apologies if its not.
I would like to have at least well thought out and programmed haptic feedback for the xbox 360/One/Pro type controllers (inc xbox one triggers), and at an extreme push full and proper force feedback for joysticks/HOTAS.
Well programmed force feedback right across the game would be nice for those of us who like force feedback. But just haptic feedback for the xbox type controllers (inc One triggers) would be great if time permits near the end of development or soon after release in a major patch of the post release game. I appreciated that things like trackIR need to come first.
*below is some general thoughts text I have used to lobby for FFB on ED and SC forums.
Forces? What forces are there in a space craft with all electronic controls!?
Even in space, the ships in IB, ED and SC could easily have full and proper force feedback support to further aid the tactile joystick immersion, if you like haptic feedback that is. Made anew for 2016 space games.
There are forces and effects that can be represented absolutely everywhere on a space craft via haptic feedback forces and vibrations through the hull, airlock hatches, cargo bay doors, landing gear, and engine thrust. Vibrations from Landing gear operation, landing and take off forces and vibration, atmospheric flight - both entry and exit, atmospheric exit thrust forces, impacts in asteroid fields and with other space objects impacting the shields and hull including other ships or docking rings. Entering and exiting hyperspace and interdictions (ED and SC). Ballistic weapons fire vibration, combat damage vibrations from ballistic weapons fire and missile hits to shield impacts. Then three could be the vibration forces from using afterburners or sudden reverse thrust. And even some opposite force when nearing stress limits - and in very tight turns, a slow force building up when near blackout and then maybe a stick shaker reminder.
Once a well programmed set of haptic events are worked out and all set for a basic one size fits all ships. Then testing it out right across the games solar system. If all goes well, then start o adjust the haptic events for each ship and class type.
For example, the xbox one triggers would be perfect for engine thrust. One trigger would then give the player engine thrust feedback, and even indications of a failing engine.
Modern jets, and especially the newer ones do have haptic feedback, all with varying degrees of force. Different countries outfit their versions of the fighter jets with haptic feedback sticks and throttles. There are several companies that do this, supplying very expensive flight sticks and throttles to give the pilot some sense of feedback through he stick and throttle, for flight and flight simulators.
And although unlikely to happen now, but I would really like to see some haptic feedback on the left hand throttle of a force feedback HOTAS. To FEEL the ships engines throttle up and down will give a good pilot an extra tactile feedback on the state of their engines. Something no one has really attempted yet.