Can someone point me to the Kickstarter-to-ProductLaunch schedule? I’m told this project is already 5 years in development and appears comfortable in pulling the trigger on the KS, good for you guys. At this point you should have a very clear understanding of what it’s going to take to wrap this up and actually deliver product. I’m looking for those details, please
Also I’d like to know at what point(s) we can expect demo/alpha/beta access to the game?
The answers to these two questions weigh heavily on my backer decisions. I’m long past being interested in stretch goal or backer rewards, I’m much more interested in delivery of the product.
When do we get to play with it and when will it be completed?
We can kind of answer this already: if the Kickstarter pledge levels as stated in this thread hold true, you will be able to play the game within a month after the Kickstarter if you pledge sufficiently high - 250$. Plus minus some time depending on what turns up.
I’d like to add to this: If your system can handle it, it’s worth it! Even in it’s current state it’s fun to play around in even though it’s just a “prototype” it works pretty well.
[quote=“xamino, post:6, topic:1097”]
We can kind of answer this already: if the Kickstarter pledge levels as stated in this thread hold true, you will be able to play the game within a month after the Kickstarter if you pledge sufficiently high - 250$. Plus minus some time depending on what turns up.[/quote]
A month is pretty optimistic, I’d say. First of all, it takes 15 days for KS to validate the campaign and transfer the funds ( according to their FAQ ). Then after that we have some administrative things to sort out on our side, which can take a few weeks. Then there’s a bunch of technical work to do before we can hand out the first version of the prototype to the public. For example, there’s currently no key bindings menu ( you have to change it through an .XML file ), no patching, no server browsing, and some of the stuff that we rushed for the campaign has to be addressed / fixed. Also keep in mind that even if we have the funds, people are not going to quit their job and start working on INS the next day. There are leave notices and stuff like that. Basically, it’s going to take some time to ramp up, how long exactly is just a guesstimate at this point.