What are you trying to play? My frame rate is perfectly fine in everything I want to play - Arma 3, Insurgency, Kerbal Space Program, War Thunder, Elite Dangerous (although I don’t play any more).
I was joking.
Actually, the onlky thing it struggles with is myt DF vis.
So you’re suggesting that I act disingenuously for a while so that I can develop a “trust” level. I’m sorry, but I back away slowly from crazy.
Because art is gameplay overhead. The fancier the graphics, the more costly it is to introduce a single gameplay interaction. I may well be able to come up with all sorts of interesting gameplay, but it falls to the artists to depict it all. If the graphics level is highly realistic and detailed, then each gameplay interaction that I come up with requires some highly realistic and detailed depiction. The result is a ballooning budget. For a given budget, the fancier the graphics, the simpler the gameplay.
This is why AAA titles are the way they are. Fancy graphics just don’t allow for fancy gameplay. Look at games that have piles and piles of gameplay interactions and you’ll find simpler graphics. Dwarf Fortress is probably a good example. The author decided to crank out the gameplay, and to then present those interactions in a highly symbolic fashion. If he had tried to depict everything at Elite:Dangerous levels, he’d have abandoned most of his interactions in hope of getting a game out within a year or so.
With Kickstarter you have to specify estimated delivery dates of the tiers.
Please can you tell us the earliest that Battlescape could enter the Alpha testing stage of development if everything were to go perfectly?
Spring 2017?
Ideally Q4 2016 for Alpha. However, you mentioned “perfectly”
Thanks Gene.
In that case I’ll hold off getting a new GFX card.
So about that trust level…
I started lurking on the old forums and carried over the bad habit to the new ones. As a consequence, my trust level = 1. I’ve got a nice rig with a high end-ish graphics card (XFX 290x). Is there any way I can raise my trust level/somehow become eligible for the play-test this weekend? Will spamming a bunch of replies help any?
Yes. Though lurkers didn’t show how dedicated they are, neither did they reveal any of their personality trough discourse, so I wouldn’t get your hopes to up for you to get chosen because of said reason.
Here’s how you obtain the level 2 … note that it usually should happen naturally. Why not participate in some of the debates we had? I’m sure you have ideas or viewpoints we didn’t touch yet.
Before I say anything let it be known that I also agree that trust levels are stupid. However, the forums and amount of threads are small enough that if you post regularly (few times a week) chances are you already have it.
Its not a minimum post limit, just a minimum thread reply limit of 10. The fact that 15% of my posts are in that thread only satisfies 1/10th of one requirement. The only other requirement it satisfies is that its been “read” which there are number of threads and only 2 threads on the forum(that I can find) that I haven’t completely “read”.
I think Inovae used the trust levels because it was the easier way to limit the number of people asking to be apart of the test. If they didn’t, people would come flooding out of the woods at the chance. Discourse provided them already with an easy way to differentiate users for better or for worse. I don’t see what the big deal is.
At this point,Trust 2 users is just about everyone who posts weekly so the core community is already included anyways. No harm no foul.
Never thought I’d see those words when I was just saying something simple. But if you’re a douchebag then feel free to never make it up the trust levels which mean almost nothing anyways. Honestly it disgusts me if you have to be lying to yourself on a forum just to act like a polite human.
Exactly. I needed an arbitrary criteria to select a low amount of people ( like, 5 max ), and taking lurkers / random forum members sounded like it would piss off the regulars who contribute more actively to this community.
Thanks for the confirmation.
@Kreydis that’s unnecessary. I almost responded to that as well but I figured it wasn’t worth it. Let’s not bring this awesome thread down to that level.
[quote=“Kreydis, post:76, topic:995”]
Never thought I’d see those words when I was just saying something simple.[/quote]
What you said is rather more complex than you think. You suggested that I post for a reason other than a sincere desire to contribute to a discussion. That reason is to gain an additional “trust” level on the forum. That is where the word “disingenuous” came in. It did not mean “I’m a jerk, and you’re asking me to be nice.”
Hopefully you won’t hold off too long. Unless your old card can really keep the pace ^^
If becoming a more active participant in the forum’s community requires you to behave disingenuously, then don’t. If you genuinely have no desire, or time, to interact with the rest of us more than you already do, that’s fine. It doesn’t make you a jerk.
But there are plenty of ways to earn Level 3 without posting for no reason. Unless that’s all you’re here for (and your activity suggests otherwise), there’s more to the forum than academic discussions about Infinity, its gameplay, and its competitors(’ gameplay).
Tell us about games you think we’d like. Get your head ripped off in a Wolf Game. Stomp on someone in Neptune’s Pride (the trash talk comes naturally). Don’t find any of those appealing? Get us involved in something you do; I guarantee there’s someone here who’ll give it a shot.
Seriously. That’s all the “trust” levels measure. Activity on the forum.
JB doesn’t need to post more… He would have got TL3 ages ago if he had hit the ‘like’ button occasionally. As it is, he’s ‘liked’ a grand total of 2 posts. That is the only reason he’s not TL3.
It’ll be perfectly adequate for another year.
Yeah if your GPU is already “good enough” and NVIDIA delivers on its Pascal promise then it should be well worth the wait.
JB is an integral part of this Community, and no matter what virtual forum shlong level he has, he probably would be considered for this event would/did he apply and fulfill the rest of the strict requirements. And he should be considered, because, as confirmed by the team itself, the initial and now lowered trust level requirement is just a means to limit the number of applications and the overhead that brings.
This now came up several times, and mostly it’s a clash between: “It isn’t that hard to gain it if you use it this way.” and “I shouldn’t have to act any other way.”. Not clicking the like button doesn’t imply someones a douche … it only means that that person isn’t using that feature.
The answer, what I’m concerned, is:. “Eveyone chill and don’t care”. The forum is small enough that the team saw your dedication anyway. And we pointed out the dangers of an automatic trust designation more then enough for them to know in the future. JB should be considered as a regular member of this community. And he is by everyone, but the forum software. I don’t see a problem with that, unless someone really wants those added renaming piveleges that one wouldn’t even get on other forums.
I’m sure someone could programm such an neural network plugin that replaces the usual trust level progression.
Heh, I meet all the requirements except the pesky member rank. That’s what I get for lurking for 5 years. It’s a shame, because I was a lot more active on the old forums!
That said, it’s probably for the best. I’m busy this weekend and missing out because I wasn’t around would be far more annoying! Still super excited for the KS.