A topic to share your location on planet Earth. We already know Flavien is from Belgium, Keith resides in Arizona while @Hutchings lives somewhere in British Columbia. Where are you from?
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Michigan, USA
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Principality of Liechtenstein
But now you just know an area encircled by fictional lines.
So how about a view?
Reading, England.
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Prokopievsk, Russia
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Medan, Indonesia.
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Eugene Oregon, United states.
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The suburbs slap-bang in the middle of England
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Thanks for posting pictures. It helps a lot.
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Currently in Halifax, Canada
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Memphis, Tennessee - US
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Washington DC. Photo taken by me =D
What in the actual fuck…
As to my location:
Calgary, Canada.
Portugal here!
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Norwich in East Anglia, UK:
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Niagara Falls New York USA
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London, UK
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