I haven’t forgot about this. I’ll be putting together some final files as soon as I decide on the backing solution. I have a few idea’s, just have to come up with something that makes good sense and works.
I’m going to leave the Current .Blend file and STL’s here for you guys.
If you’d like to modify it, turn it into cuff-links, or add new geo, to expand function then feel free to do so. Try to retain the overall logo though.
Fair Warning - They are technically print ready, but I’m not sure if a service like shapeways will reject it or not. (it should be fine)
Have a look at the files, and let me know if you run into any problems.
Inexpensive latch pins for backside mount. Check scale of pin before printing. So it fits!
Depending on the material you have the model printed in, you should be able to fasten the pin to it with a bit of glue.