A chronology of Human history from the year 3500 â 12050 of the Galactic Orbital.
3500 SO
Human civilization rises out of pre-history on the planet Geodesa, in orbit around the Type â G star, Delta. The Human population of Geodesa is now 16.9 million human beings.
6500 SO
Deltan civilization is now technologically oriented and philosophically aligned, possessing a high level of social order and an advanced culture. The Human population of Geodesa is now 3.8 billion Human beings.
6645 SO
The discovery and generation of Negative Matter, a form of Non-Baryonic matter, by Deltan Scientists begins a new era of technological advance. This Raonic matter is proven to display anti gravitational properties, negative mass and positive surface tension.
6715 SO
A Deltan spaceship carrying 3 Geodesan astronauts, equipped with a Negative Matter Efflux [NME], or Space Drive blasts of from Geodesa on a round trip lasting 6 weeks. The crafts destination is Tridesa a Jovian class planet approximately 18 AUs from Delta.
6739 SO
Experimentation with Negative Matter containment devices, for Neutron Densification within Particle Accelerators on Geodesa, generates the first artificially produced Dark Matter. This Raonic matter is shown to possess negative mass and negative pressure.
6795 SO
It is predicted by Deltan Scientists that the combination of these two forms of Raonic matter in vacuum will cause the supra-luminal inflation of Space-Time.
6882 SO
Two laboratories situated on opposite sides of Geodesa, one operating a Raonic Oscilloscope and the other generating a Negative Matter activated Quantum Phase Inversion [QPI], through which Radio Waves are transmitted, are successful in tele-communicating data faster than light. This technique is later named Hyper Tunneling [HT].
6960 SO
The construction of the Hyper Spatial Propulsion [HSP] Drive for integration into a Deltan spaceship begins. This propulsion system is hoped to provide Hyper-Spatial transit to its carrier craft.
7000 SO
Project Apex - The construction and dispatch of a Hyperspace capable Manned Spacecraft on a 3 year mission to visit and survey four of Deltaâs closest Stellar neighbors, is announced to the Geodesan public.
7055 SO
Apex â 1, a Fusion powered Starship equipped with Ion based Impulse Propulsion and an HSP Drive, carrying an 8 man crew is launched from Geodesa. At 3,000,000km from Geodesa the crafts HSP Drive is engaged and the ship disappears from Deltan medium range telemetry.
7057 SO
Apex â 1 reappears to Deltan graviton astronomy 0.6 billion km from Delta. After successfully completing the survey of 2 local solar systems itâs mission was cut short by a malfunction in the ships Life Support Systems. Apex â 1 returns safely to Geodesa.
7100 SO
The exploration of the Delta solar system by the Deltan people is now at its height. A Deltan Military base is constructed on a moon of the Jovian class planet Tridesa.
7114 SO
Deltan Heliographers observe an irregularity in the magnetic cycle of the star Delta. The shift of the stars magnetic polarity which usually occurs every 12 years has occurred 1 year early.
7144 SO
Further Heliographic analysis by Deltan Scientists confirm that the rate of Nuclear Fusion within Delta has begun accelerating at an exponential rate. This increase in the stars consumption of its hydrogen fuel is accompanied by an annual growth of the starâs radius by 0.1%. It is predicted that the Deltan people have less than 500 years before the greater radiation of their parent star makes life on Geodesa unlivable.
7150 SO
The population of Geodesa is now 4.9 billion human beings.
7160 SO
The Deltan government announces its plans to save a small proportion of the Deltan people by stowing them away on an Ark Starship, to find new home about another distant star.
7165 SO
The construction of The Interstellar Operational Spaceship [IOS â 1] begins. A vast spacecraft capable of carrying 1.1 million Deltan civilians away from Geodesa to the furthest reaches of the Milky Way.
7390 SO
IOS â 1 is completed in orbit around Geodesa.
7405 SO
IOS â 1, with a full complement of passengers and crew, departs the planet Geodesa on a 400 year voyage to the Sagittarius Spiral Arm of the Milky Way.
7644 SO
The immediate evacuation of Geodesa is ordered by the remaining Deltan government and organized by the Deltan Military.
7645 SO
The Deltan exodus, an argosy of 20. 000 spacecraft carrying 3.8 million Deltan citizens, sets forth from Geodesa outward into interstellar space in search of a new home. They leave behind 4.8 billion Deltan humans on Geodesa.
7652 SO
HT tele-communications contact between Geodesa and both the Deltan exodus and IOS - 1 is lost.
7695 SO
The Deltan exodus reaches a Type-G star in the Perseus Arm. The Deltan people christen this star Lux and the colonization of itâs two habitable planets, Foran and Ionis, is begun.
7740 SO
On Foran, the city of Siola is established by the Deltan people.
7771 SO
The city of Ailando is built upon the surface of Ionis by the Deltan people.
7792 SO
Three, AI controlled interstellar Robotic Space Probes are sent from Foran by the Delta to search the Sagittarius Spiral Arm of the Milky Way for the Ark Starship, IOS -1.
7804 SO
IOS â 1 arrives in the vicinity of a Typeâ A star within the Sagittarius Arm. This white blue main sequence star is named New Delta by the citizens of the Ark Starship.
7805 SO
IOS â 1 enters orbit around a Gaian class planet in the system of New Delta. This planet is named Atma, to become the new home-world of the voyagers of the Ark Starship. Planet-side the ground colony of Genera is established, a seed of civilization planted.
7835 SO
Far from their origins, the people of Atma come to name their culture The Centaurus owing to the bright band of stars arched across the night sky of their home planet.
7850 SO
The combined population of the Delta and Centaurus civilizations is now as little as 45 million citizens, divided between two star systems, unknown to each other and light years apart.
7875 SO
The Delta Space Force [DSF] is founded to utilize the numerous interstellar spacecraft inherited from the days of exodus and begin the exploration of star systems local to Lux.
7948 SO
The Centaurus culture formalize the spiritual truths that are now at the heart of their way of life. The religion of The Harmony is founded.
8014 SO
The colony of Stelle is established on a Europan planet in orbit around the Type -F Star Belsar by Deltan explorers. The first of many new worlds to be explored and colonized by the Deltan people.
8050 SO
The Delta Federation [DF] is instated as the interstellar government of the system of Lux and Belsar.
8110 SO
The Circle of the Empyreal [COE] becomes the primary oligarchic government of the Centaurus civilization.
8165 SO
Centaurus Starships voyage from Atma in search of habitable planets around foreign stars. The expansion of Centaurus civilization beyond the system of New Delta ensues.
8215 SO
COE mandate is extended to include five more recently colonized star systems within 50 light years of New Delta.
8295 SO
Eleven other stellar systems within 100 Light Years of Lux have now been charted and settled by Deltan explorers. Of these the star system Taltai is designated by the Delta Federation as the location for the construction of an Antimatter generation facility.
8362 SO
The newly built Antimatter generator plant on the planet Taltai - 4 begins the production of Anti-
hydrogen at a rate of 100 Kilograms per day. Stockpiling of Antimatter by The Delta Space Force begins.
8403 SO
Interplanetary Antimatter Missiles are tested by The Delta Space Force in the system of Plinol . A Moon of the Jovian planet Plinol - 2 is dislodged from its orbit by the impact of Deltan Antimatter weaponry.
8455 SO
Centaurus scientists develop The Biogen a non-invasive gene enhancement process that accelerates biological evolution toward preprogrammed goals. This technology is quickly applied to the science of Eugenics, to free future generations of the Centaurus people from disease.
8500 SO
The Delta Federation now holds 16 colonized star systems under its governance, with a total populace of 7.4 billion people. The migration of Deltan citizens across Delta Federation space becomes widespread.
8588 SO
Mandatory Biogen treatment is introduced into Centaurus interstellar society and welcomed by the majority of citizens within COE sovereign space. However some social groups within Centaurus space, mistrusting the augmentation of their natural biology, rebel against Biogen treatment.
8600 SO
The expansion of COE territory continues to compass 11 star systems within 85 Light Years of New Delta. Centaurus population is thinly spread across these colonies, now totaling approximately 5 billion human beings.
8620 SO
Organized rebellion against the COE government and the Biogen program by Centaurus citizens leads to civil disorder and fighting on 5 planetary colonies within COE sovereign space.
8622 SO
As emergency action the charter of The Stellar Safeguard is drawn up by the COE and recruits from across Centaurus space are gathered to form a peace keeping and surrogate military force to suppress the uprising.
8637 SO
All those Centaurus citizens revolting against COE rule and Biogen therapy are rounded up by agents of The Stellar Safeguard and exiled to the star system of Oraodol.
8645 SO
The planetary colonies of the Type F-star Oraodol, now home solely to political dissidents, are refused party to the COE council and become the first independent Solar State on the Sagittarius Arm.
8705 SO
The charter of The Stellar Safeguard is finalized by the COE and this martial body is named as the primary military force of the COE oligarch.
8774 SO
Novel advancements by Deltan Scientists in Photon Spin Encoding [PSE] techniques leads to the development of Holofield technology, a form of fully immersive virtual reality platform. This technology is ported first to military devices and later to civilian entertainment systems.
8801 SO
Holofield Head Up Displays [HHUD] and Telemetric Data Displays [HTDD] are now fitted as standard on all Delta Space Force starships.
8850 SO
After unanimous agreement within the COE council The Sagittarius Science Directorate [SSD] is founded within Centaurus space.
8900 SO
The population of Delta Federation space is now estimated to be 26.3 billion human beings, across 25 Star Systems within 100 Light years of Lux.
8935 SO
Following refinements of PSE technology by Deltan Scientists the first true Quantum CPU is born.
9000 SO
COE sovereignty now spans 20 star systems within 100 light years of New Delta with a total population of 16.5 billion Centaurus citizens.
9190 SO
All forms of genetic abnormality and disease are eradicated from the Centaurus population. The COE announces The Biogen program a supreme success.
9500 SO
The total confirmed human population of the Milky Way is now 56.8 billion human beings across as many as 50 colonized star systems, divided almost evenly onto the Perseus and Sagittarius Spiral Arms of the Galaxy.
9633 SO
After nearly two millennia of tireless searching one of the Deltan AI interstellar Space Probes arrives in the system of New Delta and is collected by a reconnaissance spaceship sent from Atma. For the first time in 2000 years communications are reestablished between the two peoples of the long lost planet Geodesa.
9670 SO
The Circle of the Empyreal and The Delta Federation now in frequent FTL communication schedule the construction of two great Hyper-spatial Interstellar Portals [HIP] to connect the home systems of their two civilizations, bridging an interstellar gap of 35000 Light Years.
9733 SO
The HIPs connecting the systems of New Delta and Lux are opened. With the launch of Quantum Fluctuation Probes [QFP] through both gates, first contact between the Deltan and Centaurus people is consummated.
9750 SO
The Galactic Network Node [GNN] goes online to provide reliable FTL telecommunications between Delta and Centaurus space. Initially consisting of two HT relay Space Stations, one situated in the system of Lux and one in New Delta.
9755 SO
A great exchange of technology, resources and knowledge between the Deltan and Centaurus civilizations is begun, and travel between their home-worlds becomes commonplace among their people.
9792 SO
The Delta Federation publicly refutes the scientific principles of Biogen. Biogen therapy becomes illegal in DF space.
9805 SO
The Pan Galactic Medical Association [PGMA] is founded as a compromise to cooperation between the DF and COE governments. Further research into Biogen by PGMA scientists is agreed, but the ban on Biogen in DF space remains in place.
10100 SO
16 more HIPs are built connecting various highly populated systems in the vicinity of New Delta and Lux.
10355 SO
Delta Federation sponsored exploration and colonization of the nearby stars of the southern arc of the Perseus Arm for scientific and industrial purposes is begun.
10502 SO
The Sagittarius Science Directorate dispatches the first of a series of interstellar robotic Space Probes to the Centaurus Spiral Arm of the Milky Way, to search for and survey notable Black Holes in this region of the galaxy.
10840 SO
Discord arises between the secular governments of the Delta and the COE over the establishment of missions of The Harmony within Delta Federation space. After lengthy diplomatic argument the DF finally agrees the establishment of Harmonic temples within its territory assuming their payment of heavy taxâs.
11000 SO
13000 Light Years from Lux a small cluster of colonized star systems across the Perseus Arm are now populated by both Deltan and Centaurus citizens, seeking a new life in a new frontier of space.
11014 SO
The assembly of two HIPs, one in the system of Soraco and one in Lux begins. This construction is funded by the Delta Federation to assure the shipping of resources from the industrial colonies now abundant in the southern arc of the Perseus Arm.
11042 SO
The assembly of the HIPs in Lux and Soraco is completed and they are opened for public transit.
11155 SO
The colonies of the Perseus Arm, fostering a thriving industrial economy, request independence from the Delta Federation and begin the formation of their own independent government.
11156 SO
The Star Fold Confederacy [SFC] is formed, composed of the leadership of 44 star systems of the southern Perseus Arm. Its purpose to legislate trade laws and to provide freedom of lifestyle to its community.
11156 SO
The Delta Federation refuses to authorize the liberation of the industrial colonies of the Perseus Arm from DF trade sanctions, or to recognize the authority of this fledgling government. The SFC announces trade and docking embargoâs upon any spaceship carrying DF registration.
11157 SO
The Delta Federation declares war on the The Star Fold Confederacy.
11157 SO
The HIP in Lux is forcibly disabled by Delta Space Force operatives and transit between the northern and southern arc of the Perseus Arm is ceased. The DF publicly announces itâs plan to strike out at the Star Fold government and society.
11157 SO
The Coalition of Armed Forces [CAF] is formed from militaristic splinter groups within SFC space, a military to defend itâs dominion.
11160 SO
The bombing of strategic industrial locations within SFC territory by fleets of DSF covert operatives begins. Their destructive activities go mostly undetected by CAF surveillance except in their aftermath. Various battles ensue in the next decades.
11172 SO
Talks between the COE and SFC commence and the construction of HIPs connecting New Delta and the star system of Reuthid, 28.2 light years from Soraco is scheduled to enable trade between the two interstellar nations.
11193 SO
The final DSF strike upon the Star Fold is enacted. This time targeting civilian settlements within the system of Soraco. CAF forces are moved to intercept and combat ensues between the two opposing military factions, almost annihilating each other. This is known as The Battle of Soraco Sonal.
11194 SO
The Circle of the Empyreal, informed of the hostilities between the DSF and CAF forces at the Battle of Soraco, voices its disapproval of Delta Federation tactics and calls for an end to the tepid war between the two interstellar nations. Due to internal and external political pressure and lack of foreseeable victory in the close future, the Delta Federation decides to stop the hostilities. A peace treaty is signed.
11196 SO
The HIP in Lux is repaired by DF employed technicians and travel between Delta Federation and Star Fold Confederacy space is resumed.
11200 SO
In an effort to establish interstellar peace The Circle of the Empyreal asserts the need to homogenize interstellar law, regulate a universal currency, and provide a universal time frame for all sectors of Human domain. For this purpose The COE proposes the constitution of The Democratic Interstellar Alliance (DIA).
11204 SO
The Democratic Interstellar Alliance [DIA] is formed from the united governments of 480 inhabited Solar Systems, across 3 stellar clusters within the Milky Way. Its prerogative to preserve peace, equality and liberty across the stars, to unite distant localities under common law and a unanimous purpose.
11205 SO
A new Calender and Time measurement system is introduced by the DIA to provide correspondent time zones for all itâs member states and to facilitate timekeeping within starshipâs internal clocks and computers.
11206 GO
At 00:00 hours on the first day of this Galactic Orbital a New Years celebration is held by all people across 480 Stellar Systems, and honored in numerous original ways by their individual cultures.
11207 GO
The Universal Credit [UC], a standard currency to be used by all member states of the DIA is introduced to standardize all forms of trade and monetary exchange. 1 UC is equal in value to 1 Kilogram of Palladium.
11210 GO
An official interstellar census conducted by the DIA shows the Human population of the Milky Way to be 321.9 billion.
11215 GO
The Central Interchange [TCI] is instated as a branch of the DIA, to store and transfer the UC across the totality of interstellar society.
11264 GO
The Galactic Network Node executes the installation of Holonet, a holographic user interface and operating system over itâs HT telecommunications network.
11303 GO
The Terra-formation of an Eo-Gaian class planet in orbit around the type G star Requisol, 114 Light Years from New Delta, is begun. This planet is named Protol.
11312 GO
The Terra-formation of Protol is completed and the Terra Tech Inc funded planting of Protol with photosynthetic organisms begins, in order to maintain the already oxygen rich atmosphere.
11323 GO
The habitation of Protol as a civilian home-world, leisure resort and wildlife sanctuary begins.
11409 GO
On the outskirts of SFC Space the Mining Colonies of the the F - Type Star Krigolt are overrun by an organized group of militants calling themselves The Dynamo. Over the next 20 years the The Dynamo go on to ransack 12 star systems in SFC space.
11432 GO
Dynamo combatants are finally removed from SFC territory by The Coalition of Armed Forces and driven out into uncharted space.
11434 GO
In response to the Dynamo incident and rising public concern about interstellar crime The Interstellar Police Department [IPD] is founded as an annex of the DIA. The IPD is the first law enforcement agency with pan-galactic jurisdiction.
11505 GO
Auton Laboratories Androids, advanced robotic systems possessing Quantum CPU brains and resembling Human beings in every outward respect, go on sale to the public and private industry.
11518 GO
A SSD organized scientific expedition to the Cygnus Arm of the Milky Way departs New Delta, in search of extant life forms.
11602 GO
Having discovered 3410 unique species of bacterial life and 38 new races of animal across 7 disparate star systems, the SSD expedition begins its return to New Delta.
11678 GO
The Binary Cooperative, a corporation specializing in the research and development of improved Quantum computer systems is founded in the stellar system of Tura â A within DF space. This corporation is run entirely by Androids liberated from their compliant programming.
11690 GO
A number of civilian spacecraft are reported as missing in Centaurus space and Dynamo operatives are spotted on the cusp of Altasal system. The IPD are mobilized to investigate.
11708 GO
IPD led investigations into Dynamo activity discover the existence of a deep space pirate network with outposts situated at various locations surrounding DF, COE and SFC territories.
11732 GO
IPD and military efforts to dismantle this network prove unsuccessful. IPD undercover agents are reported missing in action and any evidence of a Dynamo network has vanished into thin space.
11788 GO
An expedition privately funded by the Mega Corporation Black Sun Systems departs New Delta on route for Xeoloci C -15 a Black Hole located in the the Centaurus Spiral Arm of the Milky Way.
11885 GO
Black Sun Systems construction of a Space Station and astrophysical apparatus in a distant orbit around Xeoloci C-15, for the collection of Positrons and other anti-particles, is completed.
11960 GO
Black Sun Systems privately funded assembly of two HIPs, one in Loros A and one in Xeoloci C- 15 system is finished. These HIPs are never opened to the public. Antimatter is now routinely shipped from Xeoloci C- 15 to colonized space and becomes for the first time available to public and private industry.
11972 GO
Torus Omega a multi trillion UC company, best known for their long running production of Starship Reactor Cores release their first Antimatter Starship Reactor onto the public market.
12045 GO
The impossible drop of the birth rate across every Human home-world of the interstellar commonwealth, sparks disbelief among Scientific communities and the public alike. The results of DNA tests confirm that 99.9% of the Human Population has developed a genetic malfunction that causes infertility.
12046 GO
The Delta Federation proclaims that Biogen technology is responsible for the emergence of the genetic anomaly. Civil disobedience mounts across colonized space and a number of Biogen facilities are vandalized.
12048 GO
A data file arrives at the Pan Galactic Medical Association Headquarters on Atma, sent from an anonymous source. The data file contains evidence of a little known medical tradition, that is said to have originated with the very genesis of Humanity on the planet Earth.
12049 GO
The PGMA makes a galaxy wide announcement via the Holonet, confirming the pandemic of Nemesis X6 -Y3 and making public the contents of the data file as Human-kinds best hope for a cure.
12050 GO
The Quest for Earth begins.