The Infinity / I-Novae Community Timeline and Archive

Continuing the discussion from [Infinity 11 Years ago]
(Infinity 11 Years ago - #7 by Lomsor):

@inoX’s thread about the sheer scale of the development gone into this project, we are fans of, made me look for a way to visualize this time in some way. Here are the results of this sidetracking :yum::

##The Infinity / I-Novae Community Timeline

This Tiki-Toki time line is filled with everything official I-Novae or it’s former forms have ever officially published and is still somewhere accessible.

:clock1130: Link to the timeline

Adding community projects like major artwork, competition dates or other significant information that may be interesting of the person of the future is also an idea.

Timeline Navigation Tips:


Collection of Information. If you find more sources please feel free to post them in this thread.

  • Twitter

Flavien Brebion’s Twitter
Keith Newton’s Twitter
Daniel Hutchings’s Twitter
Kimmo Kotajärvi’s Twitter

  • Blogs/Journals

Flavien Brebions Gamedev Journal Entries - Compact View
Infinity-Universe “Recent News” - Pre Hack (Publications dates aren’t correct. Please help :exclamation:)
Current I-Novae Blog

  • Other

Infinity: The Quest for Earth ModDB
I-Novae Studios Pinterest (Maintained by @Hutchings )
Daniel Hutching’s Photobucket

Timeline Status:

  • Added all available significant information

  • Publication Dates for group: “Infinity Universe” are incorrect, requesting help

  • Known Bug: entries sometimes don’t show up

  • Collaboration Keywoard is set to: patienceiskey

  • Collaboration only possible with paid account


Some Sites that were important in aggregating the time line entries (Like Yahoo Pipes) have been discontinued and I took the time I just had on hand to rescoop the RSS data and Store it somewhere else. The Journal entries should now also work reliably now.

It’s important to know where we came from … so we can better know who we are.

  • About ten Years ago.

According to twitter, the KS video has already been submitted to kickstarter for approval. I can’t believe this is happening.


Most interesting tool if one wants to follow twitter messages without having an account. Among other things of course :smile:

While I’m rediscovering it, I have noticed: is there any way to zoom, or select, a specific day so that the messages doesn’t overlap one another? I’ve tried “equal spacing 1” but all the messages get their own column on a single row. For instance, the 6th October is quite crowded and hard to get a good look at some messages ^^

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You don’t need a Twitter account to follow tweets. Here’s I-Novaes aggregated twitter list. You can read it anytime, even when not logged in… The same found at the bottom of the frontpage of “”: there every post from every member should be listed. Twitter tries to make it look like you need an account when you go to the front page of twitter (no search for instance), but that isn’t really the case.

Twitter isn’t really optimal for such a time line as it’s just to much information too thinned out, the blogs or Journal entries paint a far better picture of the development in the past. I only added it to emphazise the increase of activity. It also only shows the last 100 tweets. So most of the tweets you see now will be gone from the timeline once they are replcaed by newer ones. I will probably either replace the twitter feed with the Kickstarter update feed or merge the kickstarter one with the ModDB one.