Early Acces Launch / Patch 0.6.0/1.X Feedback Thread

Something like giving access to the teams menu that already exists would be fine.

Another bug I myself have noticed too:

From discord.

JakyojakToday at 1:24 PM
Pressing TAB while in warp makes the speed of your ship remain constant. When warping towards a station or planet this causes you to crash into it if you’re still in the tab menu (the ship doesn’t progressively slow down). While in warp, ideally the ship would slow down as you approach the object whether you’re in the tab menu or not.

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Target selection needs some changes, if you are in an INT you don’t want “target nearest enemy” to be picking up ships you can’t even scratch, some options would nice here like target closest small ship and target inbound missile.

Tie Fighter had some nice options for selection.

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The game is really shaping up and it was fun being able to play with more people.

Some small things I noticed from playing today you guys probably are already aware of:

  • The HUD can really get cluttered with a lot of player names in large servers and can be visually overwhelming. Maybe displaying only the names near the center of camera’s view could help?
  • Im not too much of a fan of critical hits disabling weapons; maybe temporarily on larger ships, but losing your main weapon as an inty is kind of disappointing. Not sure if they auto-repair, but if so I think the duration could be reduced.
  • Im sure this has been mentioned before, but there is still a desire for more awareness as to what is happening across a battlescape, where the fights are, etc. This may have been mentioned in the roadmap.
  • I think this is a recent bug. Many AI ships (seems to be mostly corvettes?) are crashing into the ground and dying during the start of ground base / factory battle. Not sure what is causing this.
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A couple of things that haven’t been mentioned yet.

How is formation - fixed supposed to work? As long as I keep the ship I want to stay in formation with targeted, my ship follows it around as expected. But usually, as soon as I target anything else (like an enemy), my ship stops being formation locked on to my original target. Other players were reporting the same problem in voice chat. This makes things like formation bombing runs or sticking close to a Corvette to get repairs while defending it not really possible to do with the formation settings.

UI wise, the missile lock indicator is too small, too far from my target, and the blue text barely shows up against the background. It would be nice if it made a diamond around the target or added to my target reticle somehow. Just making the missile lock beeping louder isn’t the best solution in my opinion.

This one is probably my own ignorance, but I can’t figure out how to exceed the max speed in a cap ship. In a small ship you uncheck the “speed cap” in settings, turn flight assist off, and just mash the ‘w’ key. In a cap ship ‘w’ is now pitch up so I don’t know how to just accelerate.

Obviously, please fix the in game help (F9) that shows the wrong default keybindings for firing missiles (left ctrl -> middle mouse) and toggle flight assist (space -> backslash).


We discovered issues with fixed formation a few weekends back on a community event! @INovaeHutchings got us all in a perfect delta formation, he set off… And we all collapsed into a bundle of chaos.

However, you can use Match Speed to stay with another ship and tweak your relative position manually.

We’ve been thinking of revamping formation modes for a while now, but it makes no sense until we build a squad system with many improvements.


I too don’t like this behavior. It has made escorting other ships a bit of a chore, because I end up trying to shoot down an enemy passing by, but by the time I disengage, I’ve completely lost the ship I was escorting.

IMO once a formation target is selected, and a formation chosen, that is saved until you turn the formation mode to free or formation target is destroyed, allowing you to freely target enemies without breaking formation.


But if you’re in formation with a friendly does it make sense to engage an enemy ? At which point does it automatically break out of formation ? Are you going to dogfight the enemy while your ship is still making you fly sideways towards your formation partner ?

Or does it break… when you fire ? I’m just not sure how it’d work in a nice, non-confusing manner.

Well, I guess I hadn’t really thought how this would apply to all cases. However, I was thinking of a single situation I found myself in Sunday.

I was in a corvette, escorting a player carrier from capital ships warping in/ramming. There was an enemy player bomber or inty that demanded my attention, and after destroying the target, I found myself about 8km from the carrier, and just then an enemy cruiser warped in from the opposite side of me and nuked the carrier, because my warp jam couldn’t cover the distance.

My skills as an escort aside, in this situation didn’t actually need to leave the carrier. However, I needed to be able to shoot at the enemy target, as I was in a corvette, and I needed my turrets to track. Furthermore, if I were in any other ship, I would still need to target the enemy for the lead reticules to come up. I had lost my orientation to the carrier.

I think that was the main issue, not really that I want the formation target be separate from my shooting target, but rather that I had strayed too far from the carrier, because I had lost it while my back was turned. Maybe it’s just a gid gud moment for me.

I’m too tired atm to counjer up on how formation flight could work to cover all circumstances, but if you want me to I’d be glad to later. :wink:

Here are a couple of ways that I dreamed formation flying while engaging enemies might work.

In the example of the bombing run, the formation leader is an excellent pilot and accelerates fast - but not too fast - towards an enemy cruiser. His wingmates, who normally suck at using “flight assist - off”, all lock on to the cruiser and fire their torpedoes. They rely on the wing leader to accelerate such that the torps all land at the same time, and then swing them around toward a new target without overshooting the battle entirely.

For corvette escort, some bombers and inties need their launchers refilled and hulls repaired in the middle of battle, but enemy ships won’t leave their corvette alone. The bombers and inties set formation fixed at around 800 meters from the corvette. As the corvette dodges around to avoid fire so it can keep healing, the inties and bombers turn independently to shoot at small ships targeting the corvette, to deter them and drive them off while they heal and rearm.

In both examples the formation lead is a pilot you trust to keep you out of danger.

As for the UI, in addition to the little formation icon and message in the upper right, it could say the name of the person / ship you are locked in to formation with, in case you forget. Also, the fact that it doesn’t cancel on re-targeting would have to be covered in the tutorial.

An answer of “formations don’t work that way, that would be too easy or confusing” is fine.

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This doesn’t seem as much a problem with formation controls, as keeping track of who you want to stay with. That’s a coordination/HUD issue.

You could be in formation with a friendly hauler, then break off to attack an enemy. The issue is losing track of the hauler, so perhaps you can ‘pin’ it somehow so it stays visible on your HUD.

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Thanks for raising that here Lom- I should really use the same name in both places.

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Ok finally have time for my feeedback!

This launch was … a lot going on. Ha. I’ll just list by the things that come to mind.

Was great seeing so many players. In awe and yet … like common … this game is made for this.
I love all the new influx of streams and videos and people optimizing strategies. That’s great. The community already is growing rapidly.

The Steam Blackout right at the player peak super sucked. It really hit me and made me sad as a long time fan. Let’s hope that this game grows!

Thausands of questions asked and answered. Quite a bit of work.
The HOTAS situation was especially a lot of work. Got a lot of people to work it though.

The game really held up. I have seen many of the little bugs that still persist but people, a lot of them, got ingame and had a blast. Magnificient.

Great work I-Novae Team. The controversial topics also game up. We’ll see who prevails at the end. :smiley:

Now to the game.

Warp ramming was a big thing in the beginning. The meta is forming before our eyes! Ha.

I have a suggestion to this. Is it possible to change the order that things happen during a warp collision?
Currently it seems to be “ships collide, apply forces and damage, warp disengaged”
Can it be “ships collide, warp disegnaged, apply forces and damage”? Because that would pretty much kill warp ramming and would make more sense gameplay and lore wise.
Yes everyone is in the same space yet ships in warp don’t have the same momentum as ships not in warp. So hitting someone in warp shouldn’t just translate that speed to the other guy, just the warp exit speed really.
Although typing it out … the warp does cancel and transform momentum … you can enter it at different speed and vector you exit it … so yeah.

My other feedback got kind of spread over the last few days.

One little bug I have seen. Low hull health ships hull health indicator disappears. Been a small bug since long. Behaviour seems to be the same for the shield one but there it is fitting. Yet ships that are about to die but not dead yet still have some health …

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I have this bug that only shows one ping over all servers:

I think I had it since I got it from steam.


I have personally troubleshooted one guy with him showing me his screen. I think the issue lies withing people grabbing their controller while trying to bind a button on the joystick. This moves the joystick.
This makes the game think "Ahh what you try to do is “Jystick0Axis2 + Jostick0Button1” and now is waiting for the Axis to return to 0 in order to complete the binding.

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What do you mean by “grabbing their controller” ? If they don’t touch an axis, moving the controller shouldn’t cause any trouble. If you hold an axis, then obviously it’ll be detected as a combo with the button, but the player wouldn’t keep holding that axis down in one direction for many seconds as released the button, would he ?

I think the problem is that they do touch the axis.
It appears that was the case for the person I was troubleshooting. Only have that one case though.

I watched him try it several minutes until I realised what must be going on. As soon as I suggested him to look out not to move the joystick while he binds the key it started to suddenly work.

I just tried to reproduce it myself … yet no luck. The game is quite forgiving. As soon as the axis gets near the centre again it finishes the binding process. Might be a dead end though and the source lies somewhere else. Don’t know really. :thinking: Just wanted to throw it in.

On another note. What is the way to get the '-launcher" in the I-Novae launcher version of the game. There is no game shortcut as the game has to be launched trough the I-Novae launcher. Works well in steam but no idea how it can in the other case.

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Some joysticks are off center due to age, so the axis could consistently be firing off. Game should ideally have some sort off cut-off when mapping an axis, over 0.5 reported on an axis of 1.0.

It has deadzones, but I noticed some axis on some profiles use very low values ( sometimes even 0 ). Detection has a threshold of 50% so it shouldn’t detect small “noisy” values.