Hey everyone time for another update. This last week has been a continuation of the work started the previous week. On the engineering side we’re primarily working on low level net code and infrastructure. As far as gameplay is concerned one of the most important areas of improvement we need to make is to our latency interpolation and client-side prediction (which hides latency). This ensures that, as long as you aren’t trying to cheat, if you see your bullets hitting an enemy ship on your screen the server will also see your bullets hitting the enemy ship. Needless to say when this doesn’t work well it can be quite frustrating. There’s also some minor bug fixes that will be rolled out in the next patch.
(Completed concept art of a factory)
On the art side we’re wrapping up the last few remaining pieces of concept art as well as continuing to iterate on the 3d mockups of the bomber, corvette, and interceptor. As mentioned last week we’ve also started work on the space station, land base, and factory. These are large assets and will take a lot of time before they reach a completed state so we’ll be slowly rolling them out piece by piece as development progresses.
(Additional improvements to iteration 3 of the bomber)
That’s it for this week. A major goal for us is to get to the point where we can release one or more new patches to the game every week. Once we get there we’ll have a lot of these boring (but important) infrastructure systems out of the way and we’ll be able to focus more on gameplay.