VR price range etc

Interesting video, definitely worth a watch.

While itā€™s true you can get used to most motions after repetition, there is the separate issue of hardware like the PSVR being badly designed which is impossible to ā€œhabituateā€ through repetition. I watched Giantbombā€™s coverage of the PSVR release recently and they had a terrible time with the sensors on that thing causing significant positional tracking jitters. Jeff is the most resilient guy there in terms of handling motion sickness and even he was struggling to keep going.

Edit: Found the video

at about the 19:00 mark
The human brain can only handle so much simulated motion before it just gives up. Yes you can push that boundary further away but it will always be there if the hardware design canā€™t help the brain cope enough with the sensory input.

Video freezing up while looking around in VR can make 99% of people feel badly ill almost instantly. Doesnā€™t matter which headset.

Yeah, they seem to have a ways to go yet but once the tech is improved and the price drops, Iā€™ll be looking to get one.

Same, I think it all comes down to what problems they can solve this gen before the next cycle of hardware.

That has to be a very weak guy with a huge bad luck.
I have no issues with the psvr so far, and quality-price wise IMHO (opinion, not fact!), itā€™s the best out of the 3 , and even taking away the price factor and not considering the controllerā€™s tracking on the vive wich is better, with the only part where Oculus and Vive win is on the resolution department, and not by that much, unless you are really picky about resolutions, which in this case you could just discard the whole VR market.

-Sharing: opossed to what people believe, VR is very sociable, and out of the 3 the psvr is very close to just pass the controller to your buddy, and the social screen helps there a lot as well, canā€™t say the same of the other 2, with the vive being maybe closer to that.

-Colors: to a very picky person like me this was noticeable, colors on the psvr are more vivid and imho you can notice a better color range, which helps a lot against SDE.

-SDE: out of the 3 the psvr gets the upper hand here, hard to notice.

-RoG/GR: non-existant on the psvr.

-Resolution: here is where the psvr falls, we could say, a 20% under the other 2 headsets.

-Tracking: hard to judge since there are people claiming it doesnā€™t work well, for this case iā€™ll just apply self-experience. It has the smallest delay out of the 3, helmetā€™s tracking itself is better than the oculus, but not better than the vive (to me they are equal but with the psvr having a small isue iā€™ll point out). Controller tracking is under viveā€™s 360Ā° tracking but over oculusā€™s. Issue to notice: if you get your psmove close to the helmetā€™s lights it may cause short tracking issues, and the known psmove limitations like losing track of the psmove lights if you try to turn around, the giroscope tracking keeps working tho.

-Games: by now equal on the ā€œbigā€ titles, but the psvr is way behind in title quantities for now.

-FPS: psvr has 120Hz, andd after trying 20+ games with no fps drops at all, itā€™s a fact, hands down.

-Gameā€™s resolution: psvr is the bigger loser here due to obvious ps4 hardware limitations, PC has the potential for better resolutions, with many other features like downsampling and better AA, and many other features, yet the difference is only noticeable if you own a good game rig, in the low VR rigs end you have pretty much ps4-like experience, but with fps drops (iā€™ve seen them on my buddyā€™s gaming rig + vive getting below the 30fps mark with headaches included, and itā€™s supossed to be a good one, i donā€™t consider a 700 usd a good gaming rig anymore, but to be fair it doesnā€™t happen all the time with all the games, here is where hardware optimization + dev focusing on ONE hardware gets noticeable).

Overal i could say that the psvr is the current VR flag ship that will make VR stay, and it will benefit Oculus and the Vive as well, what i think is great is the fact that the VR comunity is united around the concept, and not fighting about which one is better, this is pretty much about opinions, but i will never base them on someone elseā€™s review, youtube is a dangerous place for that, i barely believe what DF says and they are dead serious about hardware.

Sorry for the bad english btw!

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