So as of the end of the KS Campaign, there are 305 “Stellar” or higher tier supporters, each of whom will be granted access to the Official Developers Forum at the end of the KS.
I figured this is a good place for such folks to come hang their hat, introduce yourselves, and start brainstorming ideas for the projects we’d like to work on over the next several months.
I for one would love some developer feedback on what kind of gameplay or design (UI in particular) decisions remain to be made, and what kind of support you’d like to receive from us. Perhaps after the initial KS effort settles down a bit, though
I look forward to working with all of you in the near future! Cheers :
As a lowly Alpha tier backer, I just want to say - Good luck, we’re all counting on you.
Also, just a tiny, tiny, tiny, easy to implement, little suggestion:
We need real gameplay depth. I mean, up to the eyeballs (but slightly hidden away from newbies, don’t want to scare anyone). We need the tools in-game to come up with surprising and unique solutions to a large variety of possible situations and it needs to be really cool, easy to use, and totally balanced.
So very jealous of that playtest, but my PC simply didn’t come close to the specs (that should be… resolved… within a month). Did they let you keep the executable? Is it useless without a server running?
Well, with the amount of discussion we’ve had regarding Infinity: (fill in the blank) over the past decade, I’d like to think so. If any group of players could come together and help the devs perfect something, then it’s this community. I can’t wait.
Hi, another one of those crazy people checking in I have serious concerns about the kickstarter though… I read somewhere that we had to collect 125k first day to be on track for 300k at the end, because of historical kickstarter statistics or whatnot
That’s assuming exponentially decaying slope… Which isn’t actually very realistic. It levels out, but seems to pick back up before the KS ends due to people trying to back at the last minute!
I’ll be one of those last minute backers myself; bills and real-life take priority unfortunately (I miss my full-time paychecks… Student life = Poor life).
I won’t be last-minute, but I have a trip this weekend and I’d rather not spend any money until after I’m back and everything has gone “smoothly”. I will, without a doubt, be backing at this tier though.
Another stellar supporter here. As an ex member of the dev team I’ve had access to the media demonstration prototype over the past few days. Let me know if you want to know anything or want me to try something you haven’t seen in the various media streams.
I did try establishing an orbit around the terran moon but either didn’t have enough velocity or my vector was slightly off so my orbit decayed and I crashed into the planet. Orbits are pretty hard to eyeball.