Title background banner for Kickstarter

Hello I-Novae,

I just noticed that for instance Everspace kickstarter does have an awesome title banner. Since our project has been funded sucessfully it is also possible to set one banner on our Kickstarter page. Would this be possible or are there special reasons not to do it?

Personally I think such banner can contribute to some post-kickstarter funding because people will visit the kickstarter page and see some shiny graphics (even when the campaign is already over)


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I like the idea, but I think the devs are currently more focussed on actually delivering the game, which I really appreciate.

As much as I like making the project look cooler, I also think that making a past crowdfunding campaign look better doesn’t helps finishing the project in the planned time.

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The everspace banner has a link to the continued funding site which is more than just making it look cooler, its probably worth doing once the continued funding stuff is all set up.