Depends on how complicated the chain of command/interface has to be. Actually, this topic is almost deserving it’s own thread, as it’s something that will eventually have to be hammered out. However, I’m going to simply state that simpler is better, but prior to any of that the availability of tactical options and the ability to develop a strategy is a must.
(Skip this section if you’re in a hurry. I have a lot to say on tactics, as you know. )
Looking at PS2, they recently patched in something called “fire teams” in attempt to introduce more “tactics”. This is basically making a small team of players out of a larger team of players, and they have a very specific target/goal in mind. The problem with the entire thing is that everybody in PS2 has one type of gun, one type of vehicle, and one type of base. Furthermore, they have this lattice system, which extremely limits what bases can be attacked at one time. PS2 is a giant numbers game. The attacking or defending with the most numbers wins, 99% of the time. It’s a fun numbers game (for some), but if you’re looking for tactics or strategy, it’s exceedingly hollow.
Map awareness (global map) and near-instant respawning means that if something is under attack, simply press 2 buttons to redeploy to that area. Because numbers trumps all. If a base is really feeling the heat, a squad may pull armour from a nearby base, and that flank the enemy and destroy the ability to spawn there, guess what, the enemy pulls it’s own armour, and it becomes a numbers game again, more numbers win, and the base is back under attack.
So the problem of fire teams is that most of the time, they won’t make one lick of difference when attacking or defending a base, because fire teams are small, and numbers trumps all in the world of PS2.
That’s what I don’t want in IB tactics and strategy, devolving to a simple numbers game, where skill only defines how long you live, not what you are necessary able to accomplish for your team. It deserves better than that.
The main reason why Fire Teams don’t work in PS2 and tactics is a stale circle of pulling armour, pulling anti armour, and swarming the cap points, is that everybody has one type of gun, one type of armour, and one type of strategy. Every single base is the same, and every single soldier is as well.
Look at my Mega Tactics Thread. Imagine the possibilities players have with those tools at their disposal. For this reason, balancing and giving the player a larger number of tools should be a first priority. Because without tools, tactics is nothing.