At the moment there are no restrictions on switching to another team - which is fine for the current state of the game. However, in the future, a player could gain a strategic advantage by temporarily switching to “spy” an enemy team to gain information about their fleets, locations of bases ( those will have to be scouted at the beginning of a match ) and other various strategical information.
So I believe we need to add some restrictions to team switching. Let’s have a look at some possibilities via a poll:
- No restrictions on team switching
- A maximum number of times you can switch per match (ex.: 3)
- A minimum time limit after switching (ex.: 15 mins)
- A fixed credits cost (ex.: 500 credits)
- A proportional credits cost (ex.: 10% of your credits)
- Other (please precise)
0 voters
Combos could also be possible, ie. a fixed credits cost of 500 credits AND a timer of 15 mins.
There is also the possibility of credits + rank being team-specific. Let’s say you started the match in the red team, you play for a while and accumulate 5000 credits. Then you switch to the green team. You’re starting over at 0 credits. However if you eventually switch back to red, you’ll get back to your 5000 credits.
- Credits and rank are team specific
- Credits and rank are globally shared
0 voters
Do you have other ideas and/or preferences ?