“For the glory of the Order!”
Discord Server: https://discord.gg/0au4zrCR3m0d1uWp
The Solaris Protectorate Order is a multipurpose organization dedicated to the development of a self sustaining economy on the outskirts of known space.
The Order originally consisted of 5 branches, working together to achieve a common goal.
Formally founded on October 21st, 2010, under the Treaty of DCIS (Defense Coalition of Independent Systems).
Now that the Kickstarter is available, we have found that our MMO-oriented hierarchy will not work on a game that is primarily PVP oriented. As a result, we are currently REWORKING our organization to accommodate this design decision.
Current Discord tags:
- Guests
- Members
- Elders
- Officers
- Commanders
- Sovereigns
As per decree, all pre-Kickstarter members who have contributed to the community are honorary Elders.
Latest News
Discord Space Party
We hope development continues at a steady pace, and are excited for upcoming Alpha/Beta releases.
For all Dev/Alpha backers: Join us in space on October 21, 2017 to celebrate our 7th year!
For all others: Stop by our Discord and say hi! We also play random games in the meantime.
Kickstarter Celebration
Will you be backing the Infinity Battlescape Kickstarter?
In celebration of our 5th year of existence, which happens to coincide on the same day with the most important event to occur in over 5 years, join us in backing the Kickstarter campaign on October 21st, 2015.
Update: BadNewsBaron just had a great stream with Flavien and the Dev team, which almost 300 people were actively viewing. What a great way to promote the Kickstarter! Thanks for giving the SPO a shout out, it is a great day for us as a player organization, and we appreciate it! Is this coincidence? Or is it providence?
As part of our new SPO doctrine, we are ramping up our activity levels to unprecedented heights. Go out and spread the word about Battlescape, and perhaps our Order will grow with it.
May our unyielding Order last for decades to come!
Thank you all for your participation!