
Can not successfully install the laucher, getting the repair button and consistently fails after. My apologies if this issue is already covered elsewhere.

Environment Information

Date: Saturday, June 23, 2018 8:58:35 PM UTC
OS: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
.NET Framework Version: v4.0.30319
LocalApplicationData: C:\Users\Hagens\AppData\Local
ProgramFiles: C:\Program Files
StartMenu: C:\Users\Hagens\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu
CommonStartMenu: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu
TempPath: C:\Users\Hagens\AppData\Local\Temp
InstallationRuntimeState: Installed
InstallationHive: Machine
Is64BitOperatingSystem: True
Is64BitProcess: True
ProcessorCount: 8
HasShutdownStarted: False
CurrentAssemblyName: INovae.Installation, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=8ea5af5e5345540a
CurrentAssemblyLocation: C:\Users\Hagens\AppData\Local\I-Novae Studios\Launcher\INovae.Installation.dll
EntryAssemblyName: INovaeLauncher, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
EntryAssemblyLocation: C:\Users\Hagens\AppData\Local\I-Novae Studios\Launcher\INovaeLauncher.exe
CommandLine: “C:\Users\Hagens\AppData\Local\I-Novae Studios\Launcher\INovaeLauncher.exe”
CurrentDirectory: C:\Users\Hagens\AppData\Local\I-Novae Studios\Launcher
UserInteractive: True
UserName: Hagens
IsElevated: False
ImpersonationLevel: None
IsAnonymous: False
IsGuest: False
IsSystem: False
IsAuthenticated: True

Reading manifest for product 2 at path ‘C:\Users\Hagens\AppData\Local\INovaeInstallerRegistry\Products\2\PackageCache_0.3.0.0_.ind’…
The installation package manifest has been loaded.
Located valid installer at path ‘C:\Program Files\I-Novae Studios\Installer\INovaeInstall.exe’.
Creating named pipe 2_5032 for elevated sub-process chaining.
Pipes created, waiting for incoming connection.
Launching elevated sub-process…
Elevated sub-process started, waiting for connection.
Connection accepted, initializing connection.
[Elevated Child] Child process connected to pipe, creating installation engine…
[Elevated Child] Opening package…
[Elevated Child] Environment Information
[Elevated Child] ------------------------------------------
[Elevated Child] Date: Saturday, June 23, 2018 8:58:52 PM UTC
[Elevated Child] OS: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
[Elevated Child] .NET Framework Version: v4.0.30319
[Elevated Child] LocalApplicationData: C:\Users\Hagens\AppData\Local
[Elevated Child] ProgramFiles: C:\Program Files
[Elevated Child] StartMenu: C:\Users\Hagens\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu
[Elevated Child] CommonStartMenu: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu
[Elevated Child] TempPath: C:\Users\Hagens\AppData\Local\Temp
[Elevated Child] InstallationRuntimeState: Installed
[Elevated Child] InstallationHive: Machine
[Elevated Child] InstallationVersion:
[Elevated Child] Is64BitOperatingSystem: True
[Elevated Child] Is64BitProcess: True
[Elevated Child] ProcessorCount: 8
[Elevated Child] HasShutdownStarted: False
[Elevated Child] CurrentAssemblyName: INovae.Installation, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=8ea5af5e5345540a
[Elevated Child] CurrentAssemblyLocation: C:\Program Files\I-Novae Studios\Installer\INovae.Installation.dll
[Elevated Child] EntryAssemblyName: INovaeInstall, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=21cfd02acae3b790
[Elevated Child] EntryAssemblyLocation: C:\Program Files\I-Novae Studios\Installer\INovaeInstall.exe
[Elevated Child] CommandLine: “C:\Program Files\I-Novae Studios\Installer\INovaeInstall.exe” -silent -pid:2 -pkg:C:\Users\Hagens\AppData\Local\INovaeInstallerRegistry\Products\2\PackageCache_0.3.0.0_.ind -repair -hive:CurrentUser -level:100 -chain:2_5032
[Elevated Child] CurrentDirectory: C:\Users\Hagens\AppData\Local\I-Novae Studios\Launcher
[Elevated Child] UserInteractive: True
[Elevated Child] UserName: Hagens
[Elevated Child] IsElevated: True
[Elevated Child] ImpersonationLevel: None
[Elevated Child] IsAnonymous: False
[Elevated Child] IsGuest: False
[Elevated Child] IsSystem: False
[Elevated Child] IsAuthenticated: True
[Elevated Child] ------------------------------------------
[Elevated Child] Reading manifest for product 2 at path ‘C:\Users\Hagens\AppData\Local\INovaeInstallerRegistry\Products\2\PackageCache_0.3.0.0_.ind’…
[Elevated Child] The installation package manifest has been loaded.
[Elevated Child] Installation engine created, waiting for initialization packet…
[Elevated Child] Overwriting variable from server: InstallDir =
[Elevated Child] Overwriting variable from server: ProgramMenuFolder = C:\Users\Hagens\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu
[Elevated Child] Overwriting variable from server: InstallationHive = CurrentUser
[Elevated Child] Overwriting variable from server: VCrt2015_64_Version =
[Elevated Child] Overwriting variable from server: VCrt2013_64_Version =
[Elevated Child] Overwriting variable from server: OpenALExists =
[Elevated Child] Installation engine initialized.
[Elevated Child] Running installation.
[Elevated Child] Loaded action log at C:\Users\Hagens\AppData\Local\INovaeInstallerRegistry\Products\2\actionlog
Error: [Elevated Child] Version mismatch between the installed version ‘’ and the package version ‘’.
Elevated Server: An empty packet was received, killing packet stream.
Elevated Server: Packet stream closing…
Error: Elevated child process exited with exit code ‘ProductVersion (1638)’.
Elevated Server: Waiting for elevated process packet stream to close…
Elevated Server: Elevated process packet stream has closed.
Elevated installation server returning completion state ‘ProductVersion’.
The InstallationProgressPage.InstallThreadMain() installation thread has completed with exit code ‘ProductVersion’.

It looks like you have an action log leftover from a previously failed installation operation on version of the game. The repair operation is failing because it’s attempting to use the newer package which is incompatible with the data written to the action log - which is version dependent. Repair functionality is a bit spotty at the moment, it appears I introduced one or more bugs in it at some point over the last few months and I need to spend some time on it. Unfortunately, in the near-term, you’ll have to fix this manually:

  1. Delete the game which by default is at C:\Program Files\I-Novae Studios\Battlescape
  2. Delete everything in C:\Program Files\INovaeInstallerRegistry\Products\2 except the PackageCache directory (or else you’ll have to re-download the game)
  3. Run the launcher and install the game

Let me know if you run into any more problems.

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