I’ve been trying to tweak my input profiles, but I haven’t found much in the way of documentation.
Any help would be appreciated. For instance what’s the difference between “ToggleButton” and “AnalogButton”? You would think “Toggle” would toggle on/off, while “Analog” would be a momentary switch. But I’m seeing “Afterburner” setup as a toggle, and it would make sense to be setup as analog/momentary.
TargetSpeed? I’ve attempted to use 1-0 in auto assist and direct input. They don’t appear to be functioning.
Direct Pitch and Yaw don’t appear to work unless mapped to the mouse x & y later in the XML file. (specifically addcursorX&Y and setcursorX&Y) Roll does work. Could you explain the intent and line of reasoning?
There’s an X axis and Y axis type, but not a Z axis type. It’s difficult to understand what a “type” is, and what its used for.
A description for each field would be extremely helpful. Not all fields are intuitive.
The “Input Profile Editor” is too large to fit on the screen as a window, and you cannot access “Save and Exit” from some monitors. (I had to edit the profiles with notepad)
I dont think there is currently a difference really. Maybe analog buttons are those on hardware that support different pressure inputs, but that is only a guess. If it is a momentary switch or a toggle is probably decided by the game (again guessing).
Target speed definitely works for me, can’t imagine why it wouldn’t for you.
There are two input modes in the game which can be switched by pressing f4. Target mode and direct mode. Target mode uses a virtual joystick to move the ship, direct mode using direct input to do so.
Direct mode is currently broken. So the only way to have pitch and yaw with sticks is by assigning them to the setcursor events (like you did). As far as I can tell there is no difference is using, except that you can leave the default input mode (target mode) on.
The Axis types are referring to the way the stick is layed out I think. Either way the “ShipZ” input event is a AxisY event, probably because on a 2d view the stick is moved on the Y axis to move the ship forward/backwards on the Z axis.
I’m wondering if I need to modify another field to get “TargetSpeed” to work. Much like to direct input for Yaw and Pitch. I have setup and double checked my key mappings.
I’m wondering if I can setup my JS throttle as an alternative method, but am unsure how to do so.
Weird. Maybe you could post your xml settings for that, someone might know why it doesn’t work then.
If you assign your JS throttle axis to: <Input Event="DeltaTargetSpeed" Reverse="true" Type="AxisY" GroupID="2"/>
You should be able to control your target speed with the throttle axis I think.
The overcharge fields have the effect that more power is going to the weapons/shields/engine.
Weapons for example fire much faster (if energy is available ofc) and the thrusters deliver more thrust.
On shields I have no idea if they become more resilent or recharge faster. Maybe someone knows that.
The type defines the kind of values the event is expecting to receive. It is related to the input event itself, not to input you’re attaching to it. Changing it is usually a bad idea. It’s supposed to be read-only and not user modifiable.
“SetTargetSpeed” is of type “Throttle”. A throttle means an axis that provides an absolute value between 0 and 100%.
A “ToggleButton” means that the event will interpret the input as binary. On or off, pressed or not, etc…
An “AnalogButton” means that the event will use the whole range of values between 0 and 1. Think of it like gamepad triggers which you can press a little or a lot. We currently don’t really use analog inputs all that much, but it would make sense later on to have events such as strafing, be analog inputs.
An “AxisX” means an axis ( values being in -1 to +1 ), but it is assuming that it’ll be used as an horizontal axis. It actually isn’t used for joystick sticks, but for hats, which provide an angle to the game. By knowing if the event is AxisX or AxisY, the game can then convert the angle into an horizontal -1 to +1 value, or a vertical one. So it’s used as a hint for hat inputs.
None of that is very obvious, that’s why there’s the profile editor, which handles a lot of these things under the hood for you. Unfortunately the current profile editor is just a placeholder until we have actual in-game menus to configure all that stuff, so adding resizing to the window would ultimately be wasted work. I can reduce the window size a bit in the next patch though, but obviously somebody that plays in an even lower resolution would have the same problem than you, too.