PSA: Add Battlescape to Steam as a Non-Steam Game So Your Friends Will See It



I only have 1 friend at steam, and he is only playing Diablo 3 all day…
By the way: If one of you want to be my friend at steam, search for “BenThuro”. I would love to have some people there to play a round or two from day to day :wink:

Also add it as a game on Discord and set it to show up, any Discord servers you are in then people will see it.


Adding the launcher to Discord works and I start it through Steam so that both are active. But if you add the Prototype itself, then it seems to work only once.

It is recognized once as either:

  • Infinity Battlescape Prototype v0.4.1.0
  • Infinity Battlescape Prototype (client)

Can’t use the Discord overlay due to this issue unless manually removing and adding it. :frowning:

Game detection on discord is finicky. It works once and then stops until readded. This behavior goes for every game that I have tried.


Why can’t we get steam keys? I’d rather launch this on steam as a supported game not as a third party game.

This was before the game was on steam and was an idea to spread the word about I:B. I answered you here about your question:

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