Hey, would it be possible to get an update on when we’ll be able to upgrade our pledges? It seems the last there was any mention was nearly a month ago with Update #30, where it was again assured that it would be “finished soon”. It was mentioned in the same update that the hope was to raise another ~$25k. Surely tapping into the community that’s already devoted to this project and letting us up our pledges will be able to help in reaching that goal.
Sorry for that, you’re right, but it should be finished “soon”. Keith was working on it a month ago but he had to leave for a serie of weddings trips for 2 weeks, and a week of testing only wasn’t enough to be confident everything was working in his absence. So we delayed the pledge upgrades until he came back, that was a week ago. But then we focused on releasing the latest patch ( ). So only now is he back on testing & finalizing the pledge upgrades
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No worries, I didn’t mean to sound like I was complaining. Just curious for an update and now I have it