Hi All
This is my first post to this fourm.I have just looked at some u tube posts this looks fantastic and un real.I think I will spend most of my time just flying around enjoying the planets!!!
Really silly question please forgive this is more than likely covered.I purchased Planetary Supporter + Alpha. and was wondering when a download be available for me.It said October 2016 but just wanted to know a date.
Many thanks.It says on the download page that Negative
Hi Stu, in update 31 or 32 it was said that the alpha would be delayed to early 2017. I’m on mobile or I’d link it so maybe someone else can or you can take a look. There was a bit of a discussion and that was decided the best course of action. Their goal is to release alpha when the actual game is ready alpha as opposed to releasing it in its still prototype phase.
Yeah, really sorry to break the news to you, StuPark. INovae Studios had a few setbacks in the few months after the kickstarter and have been playing catch-up since.
Update 30 goes into more detail about it:
The original internal launch-date for alpha before the delays was October the 29th.
Expectations for pre-order give us a greater adventure than receiving. It’s like a birthday or new year, the anticipation of a reward for waiting. Time flies quickly more like yesterday I remember sitting at a desk in school.
Would like to thank you all for your quick reply and very useful/kind comments.Even though INovae Studios can change any date they wish if they have set backs etc they really should change the webpage when they talk about what level buys what.I was certainly under the impression as per the webpage that the Planetary Supporter + Alpha package $110 level includes access to a Alpha ver of the game in October 2016 if this had changed they should change this on the webpage.It did say est though.But if they new it was 2017 they should change it. I really would of thought twice about this level of purchase if this was not included.We don’t want another no mans sky false advertising problem.
However the game looks so good I will wait till next year …well I have no choice really
Unfortunately after we create our perks IndieGoGo doesn’t let us change them. Therefore I can’t change the estimated shipping date for Alpha - I’m terribly sorry if you feel misled =(.
They really should allow project creators to add an addendum to posts to make it more clear what is happening after the fact. I understand keeping the original posts for accountability etc, that’s why I say a note that is attached to it would help.
It’s not fair on creators like INS when unexpected setbacks occur which then has the snowball effect of unaware backers getting annoyed.
I think you should priortize on your own “donate feature” and show yourself on game events. It could change a lot of things, don’t be affraid of success !
Hi All
It is really great that the co founders have commented as well.But really to me it seems really simple just change the date.You are not changing the campaign just editing the Alpha date.This would take away any potential problems.
I am not trying to be smart here but you guys better be careful on this.I have done some asking around and this could cause a problem.This is becoming quite a popular game and some other people I know were going to help fund this but after talking to them they also would of been caught out by the adds.They all still want to fund this but if other people think the same you may have some issues.
Any way It still looks this looks unreal just trying to make a point.
We appreciate the feedback but as I mentioned IndieGoGo doesn’t let us edit anything - including the estimated release date. Once we finish our own pledging platform we will of course have properly updated information on it.
Buying dev access (and then a whole new computer to run it on) was the best thing I ever did! This game has so much potential and we haven’t even properly started gameplay.
I don’t know how, but it feels so much more like space than any other game I’ve ever played… and I’ve played a lot of them!