Hello guys, my Name is Alex, live in Austria and i try to make a lovely full size Planet using XNA 4.0.
2012 i made the first steps, and now i continue, because i saw Battlescape on Kickstarter
Here some Screenshots: Planet Planet2
I use the ChunkedLOD approach for Level of Detail, now i have big troubles with the NormalMapping.
Because i generate the Noise on the GPU, and for the normalmap i render the same Heightmap with a higher resolution and pass this Image into the Normal map Shader. When im at the ground ( or LOD-Level > 13) the float precision is not enough i think:
No, we just all share the same hobbies in doing procedural terrain / planets. The thread which Arkenbrien suggested is indeed very usefull and full of valuable information especially of NavyFish, I’d underline his recommendation to look at it. Will look at your problem.