I’ve taken some time, watching some videos of the (Alpha) version on YouTube… in general, I only see «developers/players», attacking «space stations & land bases»… the game is very ‘fast paced’; situations, actions, missions; should take more time, to prepare and execute. Are the developers aiming, for a gameplay of (30m/60m) only, game session?
- Fleets don’t act like fleets… a carrier should be accompanied by support ships; cruiser and fighters
- The Carrier should launch fighters on «CAP» missions, around the fleet; area patrols missions, to detect enemy activity
- Fighters should be assigned, to escort cargo ships, ensuring their survivability
- Attack missions should involve «packages»; bombers escorted by fighters
Also, the ships ‘die’ very fast… what about some «good old style» dogfights, between small ‘fighter ships’. Combat between an experienced pilot ‘player/AI’, could and should take more time… «military doctrine»; a fighter doesn’t go alone; a package of «leader/wingman» is the worldwide air forces, 1st rule…
- Green planets don’t have vegetation; they could have more trees; miles and miles of forest landscape
- No cities or settlements on habitable planets; these planets should not be barren, of human life
I presume that when the game goes gold, the developers will play it and release, needed patches. Are there some paid/free add-ons planed?
Why I asked this? Looking at the «Infinity Battlespace» trailer I miss…
- ATC or should I say STC… ships could/should ask, for landing/take off permission
(voice acting) 1:15 - Big land bases full of life and air traffic, all around
Hypothetical (Planet Earth) 1:40 - Taking off from Earth, passing the Moon and landing on Mars, on a cargo mission
Hypothetical (Sol System) 2:20 - Gorgeous industrial cockpits
(Photo real 80’s movies vibe cockpits) 2:30 - Lots of space ships traffic, near the station and AI communication
(AI radio chatter) 2:50 - Emergency situation… takes time to get out
(A slower paced game) 3:20
Chaotic moment but «slower game speed»
(everything could be slower) 3:40
As a last regard…
Only one player controlling, the smallest to the biggest ship?!?
- Interceptor (1 player) (1) Piloting and fighting
- Bomber (2 players) (1) Piloting and fighting (2) Ttorpedo run and defensive
- Corvette (3 players) (1) Piloting and fighting (2) Offensive (3) Defensive
- Destroyer (4 players) (1) Piloting and fighting (2) Copilot support (3) Offensive (4) Defensive
- Cruiser (6 players) (1) Piloting and fighting (2) Copilot support (3) Offensive (4) Offensive support (5) Defensive (6) Defensive support
- Carrier (8 players) Piloting and fighting (2) Copilot support (3) Offensive (4) Offensive support (5) Defensive (6) Defensive support (7) Fleet coordination (8) Air wing commander & Space wing commander - fighter ships
*Also; it would be so great to take off from a planet on a cargo ship; land on another planet, rich on resources and being capable… gear down/land and get out of the ship, as 1st person… survey and collect resources for the factories…
Kind regards to all,
**missions: attack, bomb, escort, intercept, cap, tarcap, sead, sar, cargo… a more ‘slower’ game speed…