Kickstarter Staff Pick!

We just got Staff Picked by Kickstarter, thanks to them :slight_smile:

Hopefully this is going to increase our visibility in the coming hours/days. I’m not sure how long a project stays up there.



You guys deserve it. :grinning:

Congratulations! That should bring some more pledges :slight_smile:

The America’s prime working hours are ending so I hope to see a good boost in money dropped just like I did, will upgrade once my savings is transferred to spending, I swear.

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Sweeeet! 1000 backers, here we come!

bonus! congratulations

1000 backers! Congrats inovae!

Wow, that’s awesome! And the pot has grown by an extra $25,000 since I left for the movies a few hours ago! Incredible!

Congrats! 25% in under one day is a very good accomplishment!

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Have you made contact with Scot Manley. I know he is morning his farther, but he is still making videos from the family home in Scotland and he seems upbeat in those. Maybe offer the prototype to test.

Scot would like the live stream where Bluedrake42 spent a lot of time flying very low across the surface of the moon/planet and then flying up the rings and space station. A great watch.

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Yes, he’s mourning his father however he has expressed interest in doing a live stream once he returns.


Yes that would be a popular stream. Good job guys, keep up the good work.

With a bit of luck this will happen during the next 29 days, maybe.

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Nearly crossed the 100k mark, congrats inovae!

Keep spreading the news friends!

The streamers getting interested is great! Especially if you can keep them rolling for the next 3 weeks or so, and build some momentum! I’m really excited to see what happens as more and more videos end up on YouTube.

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Let’s make it happen! I’d like to name my planet: Kichae. It should be an elongated blob with several features that defy realism.


I just read that there are weekly Kickstarter emails that do feature projects. Does anyone know anything about them? Does being staff picked mean your project will be mentioned in the mail? When are those mails sent? Anyone knows?

I get them yes. It’s called Happening. It’s just a list of projects with links to them. But they also got a site:

Projects don’t need to be staff picked to appear on there.

Just Fabulous @Kichae



Will there be ketchup?


How would you feel about that?