Do you have anxious feelings about the fate of the kickstarter? Do you fervently check data sources for the slightest update? If this is you, your blood pressure might be to high and you could die, removing a valuable member from the community. In that case, I invite you to relax with the soothing sound of Mr. Ross, painter guy.
It was only a matter of time until Bob Ross would enter this realm.
The contrast between the soothing sound of Mr. Ross (like talking to a baby) and the horrible acid chat window on the right hand side is HUGE!
Edit: so much RUINED comments every time he starts something new on the canvas…
Occasionally the little window gets itself worked up in a frenzy and you get 20,000 hearts (or weird afro faces) in the span of a few seconds. I guess its the comedic relief…
When happy little trees make it into the Inovae engine we’ll know Bob Ross is with us.
Hopefully we get some happy little clouds to with them too!
Maybe, maybe, maybe… maybe. Just let it go!
“Don’t fight it! Just let it happen.” o___O
The constant stream of comments…
I think the internet just leveled up…
This is incredible!
If you love Ross, look up the parody Bob Ross videos on youtube. Some are hillarious
That’s perfect!
For those of you stressed by the BS with reddit IAMA mods today, I advise a healthy dose of Bob Ross to calm the nerves.
“Happy little kickstarter” - Bob Ross
Bob Rossteroid!
I hope you are spreading these.
Just leeet it happen…
A little bearding there and oops, I guess a bearding there too. Just let your mistakes be happy beards.