Or; Infinity the MMO: The Looming Shadow over Potential Kickstarter Backers.
So first off, I’d much rather have this discussed here and now than have it need to be addressed in the Kickstarter backer’s comments section.
I would also like to state that the following may be somewhat blunt, yet I have no intention of causing any offence and that the following criticism is based on how statements and plans of I-Novae may be interpreted during the Kickstarter rather than my own opinion of them and what they’re doing.
[Use of the word 'you" is henceforth intended to refer to the entire I-Novae team and not any particular individual]
It’s things like this that have me worried:
Yes, it was intended to be humorous, I get that, but thinking about how it would sound to one of the backers who’ve never heard about I-Novae, Battlescape, or the MMO before the start of the kickstarter, it’s more of a slap in the face. These people are going to be giving you guys money. Unless you’ve decided to go totally F2P for the MMO, you shouldn’t even think about saying stuff like that.
Almost all of the people on this forum are invested in your ideas for the MMO, but someone coming into the Kickstarter, who hears about and likes the idea of Battlescape enough to put money towards it, they’re not going to care about some possible distant future project. It’s not what they’re paying for.
If you don’t manage to alienate potential backers by harping on about a game they won’t care about (sorry, slipping into backer mind-set), you have openly stated that post 1.0, Battlescape is going to be left pretty much abandoned in terms of updates for all but ‘critical patches’. Even while you improve the engine and add additional features for the MMO, you’ll leave Battlescape without them to sit there and stagnate.
I sincerely hope that, before going ahead with the Kickstarter, you spend a good amount of time planning exactly what you want Battlescape to be and mean to I-Novae post launch and how to get that across to potential backers during the Kickstarter. I also hope you work out a way of presenting your ideas behind the MMO (if you choose to talk about it at all) without making people think you don’t care about Battlescape as anything other than a means to an end.
“Why back this when you only want the money to make that?” Is not a phrase I want to be seeing come the Kickstarter’s launch. I hope you come up with a good plan to stop people thinking it.
Also, I really hope I’m just being paranoid.
Thank you all for your time,