That’s a shame. I do find the timing a little odd seeing that now Inovae are actually meeting their (current) deadlines, making rapid progress, releasing patches etc. but I respect your decision to leave if you feel the developers have wronged you.
I’m refering to deadlines CEO Keith said to me many times when i asked and every one of them was missed by huge not refering to old deadlines or fact game is in development for 10years.
I’ve been listening for a months “one more month”.
110$ for a game in alpha that you won’t have acces for 2years is a slap in a face which no one would take if they knew.
Not single deadline was correct
The Estimated Delivery Date is the creator’s estimate. The date listed on each reward is the creator’s estimate of when they will provide the reward — not a guarantee to fulfill by that date. The schedule may change as the creator works on the project. We ask creators to think carefully, set a date they feel confident they can work toward, and communicate with backers about any changes.
They felt confident and they communicated with us backers exceptionally well, but I understand the frustration.
Only weird that you want out so close to the finish line, but that’s your decision.
I’m referring to the last couple pre-alpha builds that started being rolled out at the end of last week, and all the new content as a result.
Finish line is close since i backed project, few days ago keith said alpha will be in december, last night Flavien said it will be around Q1 2018.
Is this a joke?
Didn’t see or try any of them!
Methinks you generalize a bit. You’re upset that they haven’t kept their word when your money was involved. Other people see this in a very different light. They gave INS money to build a new and different computer game. INS is working on it as diligently as they can. For most people, that’s all we can ask of anyone - a best, honest effort. So we ignore the dates and just keep watching the progress.
That said, yes, INS should stop quoting dates. They don’t hit them and they know they don’t hit them. If this wasn’t just a computer game, or if the people backing the project weren’t intensely devoted to the project, INS would be facing a complete loss of funding or even lawsuits. People who only care about money can be quite nasty.
To be honest, I’m beginning to wonder what’s going to happen when the money they have runs out and the product isn’t completed. The original product delivery date was September 2017 yet it’s not yet in Alpha test. How far can they stretch the original funding?
Like I say, I fully respect your decision to request a refund, I’m just letting you know my opinion on how, since the end of last week, development feels to have momentum behind it again.
Keith didn’t say the end of this year, that was my ballpark unofficial guess before Flavien’s official response.
( I’m a little biased, probably. )
No need to pick at this. It’s too easy to have these disussions delve into the sort of nonsense attacks against people’s character you see on other game forums. I hope we don’t end up with it here.
Oh, and Keith did talk about having a reasonable financial buffer for development some time ago. Critic brings it up sometimes on discord.
Thing is; i didn’t ask them for alpha or complained why isn’t it delivered.
I understand game development and isuees that comes with it are unpredictable and delays are normal.
I asked for game access or refund since dates are missed by a year, with further possible delays.
I think planetary pledge is worth that much and it would be fair to alpha backers.
Thank you!
Sure. But would it be fair to the pre-alpha backers who have only just started getting updates with gameplay related features on Saturday; after waiting for a year and a half while not being able to test out combat in the game thanks to netcode that didn’t really work?
These kind of projects really require one thing, and that is patience, a lot of it.
Release dates do never work out for a small development team like Inovae Studios. You will always run into something that will take a lot more time to figure out, implement, try to fix, break again, … than you can estimate before.
I’m a stellar supporter, and did it despite the fact that I’m running linux exclusively on my computers. So, I will have to wait even longer for a low chance they might do a linux port in 2023 after they got the engine ported over to vulkan.
Keep up the good work!
You had access one and a half year which will in the end be two and a half years before alpha backers.
I don’t want to get into that disscusion neither i commented anything about higher tier.
That is your business, mine is that one i described above.
I’m here becouse of the product, not cos i saw here are some guys that need money.
Don’t worry i’ll get refund and you’ll play game with other stellar supporters, everybody happy!
To a screenshot simulator.
At least something!
Look at Elite Dangerous, also a screenshot simulator without atmo planets but still good to play with sometimes
I just wanted to point out that this isn’t true.
The engine was in development as Flavien’s hobby for 10 years.
The game has only been in development for less than 3, with most of that time actually still spent on the engine.
Congratulations to Flavien, engine really looks good!
Despite you’re opinion I really respect the way you’re handling this with a positive attitude. Breathe of fresh air considering the current direction most conversations(arguments) devolve into. I hope you will come back and buy the game when it is released
Not a single deadline existed… they were pretty clearly labelled as estimates.
When you back a project you aren’t entitled to a refund as long as development is ongoing, and when development ceases it usually means the project has no money to refund you with. Basically, always consider money you spend on a kickstarter gone, because thats what it is. The money gets spent on developing the game, and if you were allowed to just “withdraw” halfway you’d be wasting everyone else’s money.
People coming and demanding refunds isn’t unuusual for any project, but it is unusual for them to be nice enough to give one. You certainly aren’t entitled to it.