What happens if you click “Yes”?
When I click “Yes”, I get
After I okay that, I’m looking at the launcher with no servers listed.
I have “Infinity Battlescape” and “I-Novae Launcher” installed after starting the process about 30 minutes ago. No I-Novae software was installed on my machine as far as I know, but I don’t know if any stale data was lying around from prior installations.
It’s a known issue that seems to only be affecting upgrades. It also appears people running Windows 7 are intermittently running into additional issues concerning what I think is some sort of subtle difference in how the Windows 7 file system handles deletions vs Windows 10 (which is what I do all my testing on).
If I click Yes, I get the same error as JB, but then once I get rid of that the launcher works as normal to start the game (Play button appears etc).
I’m running Windows 10.
Same here…
I’m struggling to start the launcher. I keep getting an “Entry Point Not Found” window saying “The procedure entry point AddDllDirectory could not be located in the dynamic link library KERNEL32.dll.”
I’m running Win 7.
Copy/pasted from the known issues:
The installer currently has a dependency on an updated version of Kernel32.dll that contains the function “AddDllDirectory”. If Windows is not up to date it might complain about not finding the function AddDllDirectory in Kernel32.dll
Install the following windows patch:
We’ll add this as a dependency to the installer in a future version, meanwhile you’ll have to install this update manually if you encounter the problem.
I had the same issue with the installation runtime update, seems it has fixed itself, I don’t get the prompt to upgrade the runtime anymore, not sure if it updated itself to or if it’s just not displaying the dialogue anymore. Only things that I can think of that could have fixed the issue is restarting of windows explorer process and also I started the installer service manually, ran the launcher (it failed), stopped and disabled the installer service.
@inovaekeith, I signed in with my alternative gmail and now the launcher keeps refusing my credentials.
Interesting, I’ll add it to my TODO list.
So, it’s possible to remove access to the launcher in Google account settings and force the launcher to ask for a new username and password. However, now the launcher doesn’t save the details and asks for a password every time.
Does it show back up in your Google account settings?
It doesn’t show on the ‘mistaken’ account as authorized. On the right account I have I-Novae Studios authorized, but that could be for the forums.
Is your alternative gmail added to your account? Can you log into the forums using your alternative gmail?
No, it’s another email that has nothing to do with INS except for being used to log into the launcher instead of this one. If you have another Gmail address, log into the launcher with that one and you can reproduce the bug.
I don’t understand. Of course logging into the launcher with a gmail that isn’t associated with an account is going to cause it to reject your credentials. Does it prevent you from logging into the launcher using a gmail that is associated with your account?
If you log in with another Gmail account that’s not related, the launcher deadlocks and you need to remove access on Google to the launcher, after that the launcher keeps asking for username/password, it doesn’t save the credentials as it did even when using the right credentials.
So you have two issues, the alternative email deadlock and the subsequent disabling of credentials saving.
Ok thanks for the bug report.
Are you sure the launcher is actually deadlocking and not just bringing up a modal dialog box that you aren’t noticing?
Alright @cybercritic I believe I’ve located the source of your problems and fixed them. I still have a couple of other issues I’m looking into but I’ll roll out a patch for the Launcher soon.