I’ve just released a new version of our installation runtime. Your computer should automatically update itself within an hour max. The new installation runtime includes bug fixes for elevated installations, better logging, and the installer now gets registered with Programs and Features so that it can be more easily uninstalled.
I guess this is the best place for initial feedback on the lastest game patch, too:
Station geometry and lighting is very, very nice. Even with the preliminary textures. It is a lot of fun to fly around and in between the different structures. The small doors / balconies make a big difference in giving the hangars a sense of scale, and it will probably work even better once textures and windows are in.
Speaking of light: Getting blended by your own trusters in 3rd person is still a real issue, it pretty much forces you into 1st person mode to look at station/planet parts that are in partial or full shadow.
Another thing about hangars is that when you power down or deactivate flight assist, unexpected things happen, because the stations are not in an actual orbit/freefall/microgravity, but in the gravity field of planets most of the time. In the medium term, it might be worth considering adding artificial gravity or artificial zero gravity to the hangars to prevent falling against walls/ceiling etc.
Cockpit glass is a nice start, needs more work obviously but already adds to the experience. Removing the interceptor cockpit horizontal bar was absolutely the right decision.
Detailed models of Interceptor and Bomber look really nice. The bomber is downright sexy. Except for the rear/engine section, all 3 ships lack in that angle imho. I peronally liked the old bomber main engine layout better. Corvette is better than it was, but still not a fan of it.
Flight models for all 3 ships are still something that i forsee much rebalancing for, once we get to actual combat testing with weapons and fixed netcode / hit detection.
Minor issues: Gun FX are misaligned on some ships. Warp FX go invisible sometimes. Had the first (game) patch installation attempt “fail” because i did not click a windows prompt fast enough after leaving the pc during the long patch download. Restarting the launcher in admin mode fixed it without requireing a redownload. ( Launcher patch went without issues. )
Stability was great, no crashes, no framedrops, nothing.
Overall, a very good patch. I am much looking forward towards the Alpha Backer weekend, with more people ingame. Just make sure you get the date out over all important channels early enough to give people time to prepare for it. And prepare to have the download server hammered, i hope it is on a physically different machine from the game server, else expect big issues with game latency.
Hey Wargrim, thanks for the feedback. Comments:
[quote=“Wargrim, post:2, topic:4708”]
Another thing about hangars is that when you power down or deactivate flight assist, unexpected things happen, because the stations are not in an actual orbit/freefall/microgravity, but in the gravity field of planets most of the time. In the medium term, it might be worth considering adding artificial gravity or artificial zero gravity to the hangars to prevent falling against walls/ceiling etc.[/quote]
Actually if you’re correclty positionned at the center of a garage and power off, the server detects it and disables gravity. It doesn’t do that if you’re too far off, or inside the hangar ( but not in a garage ) though. It’ll also be used for refueling detection.
[quote=“Wargrim, post:2, topic:4708”]
Flight models for all 3 ships are still something that i forsee much rebalancing for, once we get to actual combat testing with weapons and fixed netcode / hit detection.[/quote]
Well obviously we only have a single weapon and it’s front fixed, which isn’t what the bomber or corvette are really going to use. As for the flight model physics, I’d be interested to see what everbody’s expectations are. Personally I like how the current corvette flies, I think the bomber is okay-ish ( but not great ) and I kind of dislike the movements of the interceptor.
The control scheme will change quite a bit in the next big patch too, so all ships are probably going to feel quite different. Don’t get too used to the current model.
[quote=“Wargrim, post:2, topic:4708”]
Gun FX are misaligned on some ships[/quote]
Not misaligned, but there are 1-frame latencies that make the FX look like it does not originate from the hardpoint. Weapons FX are pretty horrible atm and will definitely need some major work.
[quote=“Wargrim, post:2, topic:4708”]
Warp FX go invisible sometimes.[/quote]
It probably spawns in the back of the camera sometimes.
[quote=“Wargrim, post:2, topic:4708”]
And prepare to have the download server hammered, i hope it is on a physically different machine from the game server, else expect big issues with game latency.[/quote]
Yeah the files get downloaded from azure storage on the cloud, that’s completely separated from the game server, so there shouldn’t be any issue here. We’ll probably open new server machines if the amounts of people on a single server exceeds its current capacity ( which isn’t very high: we use pretty cheap servers with a limited amount of bandwidth ).
Interesting… Is this stepping towards acknowledging the different control needs of different ship classes? I hope we don’t lose the wonderful floaty, skidding, Newtonian feel! Don’t dumb it down to much
The stations are looking fab though
Can you please send me your installation logs via contact at inovaestudios.com
? They should be in C:\Users\<you>\Appdata\Local\Temp
and begin with INovaeInstall_
. Is there any additional information you can provide about what went wrong?
I had the same issue, left the download overnight and it failed with an error, restarting the installer worked without download. Log is below.
Also here is the log with what happens if you don’t restart the installer and click ‘upgrade’ again, it fails.
@cybercritic you should also have a log with ElevatedChildProcess
or something like that in the name. Can you provide that for the failed installation as well?
Also it seems pastebin isn’t accepting the full log?
For those two errors there in no child log file, those are the full logs unfortunately. One ends with ‘user cancelled’ error the other with ‘reading manifest’.
@ Keith: Emailed you all the logs i could find from that day and in the path you mentioned.
I do not have much more info than what i wrote:
- I updated the Inovae Launcher, when i got windows prompts if i should allow the program to do its thing i said yes, no issues, installation successful.
- I started the Battlescape update, ( not sure if windows promt at start, if so, i said yes ), saw that the download would take time and left pc. Came back, saw it was close to finishing. Was not directly at pc when some windows prompt appeared - probably the standard dialogue again asking if the program should be allowed to do stuff. I never clicked yes here, because when i reached the PC, the prompt was gone and the launcher said the installation had failed.
- Clicking on Update again, it again said the installation had failed.
- Leaving/closing the launcher and starting it as administrator, and pressing update again, it worked, without redownloading or another windows prompt.
That was it as far as i can remember.
If the prompt was the UAC prompt and you never clicked Yes then that would in fact be equivalent to a user cancellation - which was the error code provided in both @Wargrim and @cybercritic’s log files. Did it look like the UAC prompt that disappeared for you guys?
What is UAC? The “This program wants to change stuff, do you allow it?” - prompt? It was that one i think.
If it was that, maybe you could cause the prompt to appear at the start of the download, instead of its end? Or give it a longer timeout?
Yeah, it’s the admin escalation prompt. It usually has a shield icon associated with it.
The UAC prompt expired for me, that’s fine, but the installer flags it as an error and if you try to upgrade again with the same instance of the installer, it fails. Would be nice if it was a bit more graceful and asked for the prompt again or at the least not require an installer restart to work.
Also please, enable the installer minimize button…
Just to clarify when you say “installer” are you referring to an installation being performed from the Launcher?
Suppose I’m using installer interchangeably with launcher.
Also, still getting an error on startup of the launcher and there is no log file.
Just updated, downloaded and installed - smooth as silk! Really nice. Love the new station design but too many texture lines (tiles) in my opinion - gives it a repetitious blocky feel; preferred the non-tile look. Maybe larger tiles would be better. New interior visibility of the interceptor is so much nicer now. All said a solid update and really happy the ring around the planet is back! You guys did a great job - well worth the wait. Thanks.
The station textures are placeholders it says in the patch notes.
Does anyone perhaps have an estimate on the download size? Hopefully under 16Gb?
It’s ~1.6gb.