Inner Planetary Exploration?

sounds good

Wow, been a while since I saw wikipedia mess up this obviously. The Nordic equivalent of the Christian Hell would be Hel, the underground location in which the goddess Hel lives and the place where anyone who doesn’t die in a way that pleases the gods end up.

Really, if you’re going to quote wikipedia you should at least be sure to include citations so that someone doesn’t mistakenly think it’s you who’s talking out your *** about their culture.

Well, to get back on topic, while a literal underworld might be kind of cool in a Fantasy game, I do believe the I-Novae engine is primarily being designed for Scifi games, or at least scientifically believable ones. I mean, if you think about it, the continents of WoW are already annoyingly large for a fantasy game, to the point where teleportation and super-fast flightroutes are necessary to keep people playing - having an entire galaxy simply doesn’t make a swords and sorcery style game any better, really (though I’m sure that if anyone would like to try and prove me wrong on that, IA and Keith would be happy to sell them a license, and I’d be happy to accept a free copy and give a glowing recommendation if they did prove me wrong).

I guess maybe this engine is just a terrain generator. I did use Wikipedia but some of those you didn’t mention, why? At least the concept of inner planetary exploration for a terrain generator is to say the least groundbreaking!

Been to a great party in Hell.

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Didn’t know Neo was there. :slight_smile:
How is he … as a smaltalker?

I recall the Minister the Father and the Rabi going to the bar a panda and a giant rabbit. It was so long ago and I kept my cloths on for no good reason.

can there be solar winds at each pole all at the same time or are those not solar winds?

Are you… are you for real?

Well, they pretend to have a permanent base on the South pole, but ever since the Moon existence conspiracy was blown up, I don’t know what to think…

Strictly speaking, the Earth – all of the Earth – is shielded from the solar winds. I assume you’re referring to the aurorae, and how they’re related to the the solar wind.

The stream of energized particles which fall onto the north and south poles to cause the aurorae are as much the solar wind as rain is the oceans.

But yes, there can be aurorae at both poles at the same time. And so yes, particles can be captured from the solar winds and pulled down to each pole at the same time.