I want to delete my forum account

how can i do that? can someone explain me?

anyone around there can help me deleting my account? i cant find any option for that in the settings.

There’s a tier on the Kickstarter that allows you to choose a custom forum badge. You could choose “deleted”.

Honestly tough. There’s no option to delete your own account. You can flag your own post to and add a custom message saying that you want the mods/admins to destroy your account. I wouldn’t advise them to do so tough.

I would like for your old thread about real cash economy to stay tough. Your idea has been heard and shouldn’t be totally removed from the forum.

even so, it really feels unconrfortable to have all the text you writte for other people to read managed by just a few who want to censure it. i dont want to be apart of such a forum.

You are trying to censor yourself.

If you just leave without deleting your account, you won’t be a part of this forum any more, just of its history.

no, im exposing the fact that they want to force us participating in this by not giving us a choice to delete account if it is our wil, it is permanent now…

Discourse has an “Anonymize User” feature that admins can use.
Your posts will remain but the username will be changed to an anonymous identifier.

It is not censored, everyone is free to click ‘Show hidden content’ to see your flagged posts.
If you had kept your advocacy of a real money economy to one of the topics you created on the subject, and had kept your tone civil, nothing would have been flagged.


i know they are free to do that, they are just not free to delete their account in forum or to take the money they spend on online games back.

That is correct and is defined in the Terms of Service which you agree to by using the forum: https://forums.inovaestudios.com/tos

User contributions are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.


Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material

The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.

who would had thought and agreement that has a catch in it that not favours the user… i wonder when they are going to start hiding in the middle of the agreement: “we value you and for it we going to give you money”.

i want my account deleted asap. or you guys saying the account is not even mine? my account belongs to inovae now?

As per the Terms of Service, you cannot revoke the content that you have contributed. However, that content can be anonymized which deletes your username and (I think) email address and any other personally identifiable information from the system.

@InovaeKeith is likely to respond to that request when he sees it.

vey much appreciated, thank you


do i receive any notification or just bam? cause i want to make sure it gets deleted

the content, yes you can keep it, is always a pleasure to expand young minds horizons.