Great Scott! (Scott Manley video)

“If you’re not the type of person to back kickstarters, that’s ok, we’re all friends”
This implies what he thinks you should think of what he thinks! ^ :stuck_out_tongue:

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Are you sure this isn’t a video artifact from watching it through YouTube?

Can’t be. The ship icon and name are perfectly crisp.

I disagree that they are crisp, but even if they were we have seen that the update tick on it is not very fast so there would be a disconnect.

wat? The ship is blurred and the icon and name isn’t. The ship icon moves just as fast as the ship and stays on the ship at all times. Sure you’re not thinking of the aiming marker? That’s the one that doesn’t update in real time from what I’ve seen.

It is the motion blur shown, what was it, 6 month ago in a gif.

The connection was good. The prototype just updates the movement prediction for further away ships less often. If you look at the ship itself, it moves smooth.

Something for way down the track: instead of having to cycle through modes, maybe have V bring up a wheel menu when held so that you can choose the desired mode directly.

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Makes sense, because you would distribute power to systems that you don’t want before cycling to the one you need.

I mean I like the power distribution system in ED, but with the blip system it’s bit fiddly to get to certain configurations, especially in the middle of combat. For example, because each blip actually has three values (none, half, full), to set engines to zero and split the rest between system and weapons, you have to press left, right, left, right.

If I:B were to go for a more Crysis-style max engines/max weapons/max shields distribution system, then a direct selection method would be appropriate, unless they swallowed their pride and copied Frontier in using the arrow keys. I wouldn’t blame them if they did that, it just feels right.

Over 40 000 views already! And over 1600 likes.

Over 40 000 views, but since the video we had less than 200 pledges. That is a conversion rate of less than 0.5% for a community that likes space games. I really don’t understand how that is possible considering most comments are very positive.


Let’s hope they are all just searching their wallets at the moment.


Yes. I got that conversion rate from the beginning to the end. I calculated it. It is higher then reddit, that had 0.1%-0.05% conversion rate. Still 5 times higher. But the conversion stays consistent.

What we need now is a cascade. Don’t know how this could happen tough. :frowning:

Liking something and willing to put your money on it are 2 different things though.

Scott’s other video the Angel Fall First one is sitting at 233k after 3 weeks and is is his highest on page 1. 43k after 20 hours is pretty good for Scott Manley video. And set to rise to 100k I bet by 36 hrs.

We need 130 thousand. So at an average of 0.25% conversion rate, and average of 40$ per backer, this means we would have to reach 1,35 million people to get to the goal.

60 thousand more views from Scott Manley doesn’t look like that much anymore when you look at it this way.

And his father very recently passed.

Also consider that some people will sit on this until the reminder notice kicks in or until they get paid. A video view count does not equal an instant conversion rate. People will be considering their Christmas purchases etc and end of year plans.

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Scott Manley is awesome. Sorry if this is perceived as a waste of space.

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