[EG] Explorers Guild

Just a member. I didn’t really have a rank lol. I was trying to find it on the wayback machine but I gave up because I was lazy :stuck_out_tongue:

Ups, sorry, didn’t mean ranks – there weren’t any so far anyway – but which membership status.

what kinds of membership were there? I think I was just a recently joined member, or whatever the lowest rank for new members is. It’s all at the back of my mind, to be honest, it’s been 3 or 4 years after all :smile:

As stated in the introductory post:

No tiers really, just how dedicated to the guild you are.

I don’t think I ever got round to the stage of choosing to be honest, but I’ll be a full member, I think :smile:

Woo! Welcome to the club! 'course Xamino is prolly gunna say something like “Alright welcome but of course Kodiakus has the final word on who joins and whatnot” but Kodiakus hasn’t posted on here in like a year or more!

:stuck_out_tongue: Well, sorry that I’m trying to be technically correct.

Fact is though that the guild was founded by Kodiakus and I’d not step on his toes in any way. If he remains AWOL we’ll have to clear the matter once I:B launches because we’ll need some structure and a form of hierarchy (as simple and unimportant as it will be for 99% of the time).

Kodiakus hasn’t posted on the new forums yet as far as I can tell. Shall we try summoning him? Is that you, @kodiakus? :smiley:

Yes! A Summoning! A Summoning! someone must have him on steam? We had the Explorer’s Guild Group with him in it right?

I believe so, however I did not have steam at the time. Maybe someone else?

I do have him on Steam, I shall try a summoning.

Btw if anyone is missing an invite to the steam group send me your username or a link to your steam profile and I’ll arrange an invitation.

Did somebody hire a necromancer? I am risen from whatever passed for my grave…

Sorry I’m gone for such long periods of time. I made the personal decision to keep Infinity on the backburner until news of an impending release (or more regular updates) came my way. I made the lapse of judgement in not really telling anybody that I was going to stay in the background for the time being. It’s pretty clear to me though that the Explorers Guild as an idea definitely has some staying power, I think it has been about five years now? We did the dogfighting module before star citizen made it popular, those were some good times.

As for the guild hierarchy, from what I can remember we had envisioned the division of associate members and full members, with a further division of full members into loose ranks, with some sort of command council. Depending on what the game allows us to do, we’d decide on the specific structure. This is really stretching my memory but I think the original idea was to have a station in neutral territory to be our embassy to the universe, but all of our actual assets would be in support ships and fleets supporting explorers on the frontier and beyond. So we have the dedicated full members who manage the guild’s assets and affairs (and the more complex expeditions that need all the cool toys :smiley:) , and the associate members who are the Malcolm Reynolds and Han Solos of the Guild.

I do remember that I specifically called this a guild because I wanted to avoid the traditional corporate structure. Loose hierarchies based on comrades associating to further the trade of exploration, with a dedicated core to be the foundation. We could even have elected positions in the council, to avoid the sticky situation of an AWOL leader :wink:

I’m sure you’ll all agree though that we shouldn’t get married to any ideas or settle into any positions before we know more about how the game is actually going to play and be organized. In the end, it all comes down to practicality and experience through doing.

Also, look what I found in the archives…


Hey, it worked! Nice to see you back! :smiley: I’ll edit the starting post once I have some time on my hands (maybe tomorrow).

I just realized I never put your name in the member list beyond stating that we were waiting for you to come around… sorry! You’re now listed.

I approve of the idea of an elected council, but agree that further structuring only makes sense once we have a game to play.

Thank you for taking all this initiative, Xamino.

Now I"m really looking forward to this kickstarter, even if there won’t be much of any exploring to do the old dogfighting release was a fun experience I’d love to see replicated.

I’d also recommend Space Engine for anybody who is itching to do some exploring of a procedurally generated universe.

@kodiakus Sure, no problem. I didn’t want the Guild to get lost in the transition from the old forums, so I decided to start this thread. I’m glad you approve, however! :smiley:

I’ve updated the main post, if someone thinks I should change something I’m open to suggestions! I hope I’ve got everything down relatively accurately.

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For those of you interested in Star Citizen, I’ve created an Organization for the Guild there.

Looks great, although it should be “Quest FOR Earth”. :smiley: Sadly I do not own access to the game and probably won’t for a while yet. But nice to know that the Guild is branching out!

Given that some of the corps are waking from their slumber, are you guys still active?

Yes. As active as ever as you can see. I was already considering posting here to reactivate the thread, but I guess you beat me to it. We should possibly discuss our role in the coming battlescapes since there won’t be a lot of exploring to do.

I might suggest specializing in gaining important intelligence throughout the solar system through sneaky observations…

Mount an expedition into the black …
Explore features of plantet in detail.
Go where no player has gone before.

I think there is definitely some exploring possible.