E3 2015 Thread : space news and others

Although my life has dramatically changed since my last login, I’m still here practically every day giving overview of what’s being discussed for the future of INS.

The Bethesda showcase really did kick ass last night. DOOM, DOOM, DOOM! Here are a few videos in case you missed it. I recommend downloading in at least 720p because youtube kind of sucks.

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Dont you see, how stupid people act using their smartphones? Now imagine the same people using a hololens. (…while driving :smiley: :D: D )

Let’s not forget the new, new, Star Wars the Old Republic.

And new NMS gameplay video.

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OMG I havn’t seen the Sony Conference yet, but OMFG : Tetsuya Nomura (father of FF15 and the Luminous Engine) who has been pushed back from FF15 for mysterious reasons is annouced as the director of … wait for it… Final Fantasy 7 !!! (the mysterious reason probably)… OMG :smiley: I hope it will be made with the Luminous engine

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Mass effect in different galaxy, so simple… i like the idea.
Now just wait and see what the come up with.

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Yeah, I’m really looking forward to it. I hope they pay more attention to the port from console to PC, I really dislike console UI on a PC. :frowning:


Sony’s conference should have ended on FF7. It was a great reveal. I only wish they hadn’t completely ruined it 6 months ago by announcing that they were re-releasing FF7. Everyone was gungho for a remake then, and the fact that they were just giving us a port of the old game was a huge letdown. This remake had to happen after that.

I’ll be getting the FF7 remake without question, but they really killed my excitement for the reveal because I was left with the impression 6 months ago that they were caught with their pants down.

The Last Guardian and Shenmue 3 reveals blew me away, on the other hand, because I’d pretty much given up hope on both of them.

I’m starting to get impatient with NMS. We got yet another but of in-game footage with still nit a single shred of information about what the game actually is. As far as i can tell, the only thing you do in this game is point at dots, transition into orbits around planets, and get your name attached to them before somebody else does. There’s no meaningful exploration, there’s no story, there’s no sign that combat is meaningful (or that it even works). They have a galaxy map, and they have some planets, and that’s it. They’re completely killing my interest every time they show it now.


FF7 remake is waited since the playstation 2. I can’t imagine anything which could ruined this :wink:

I’m not sure to understand (my english is not really good) : are you saying that the remix HD announced 6 months ago ruined your excitement so much (because you thought that it was a real remake) that now you’re less interested on the remake ?

I wait a lot from The Last Guardian too, because of ICO (the second best blowing mind game of my life (the first is FF8)). But I’ve never been disappointed by Japan Studio :wink:

I’ll could see the Sony Conference after the Square Enix one, I can’t wait !!!

Edit : Ok I just saw the Sony Conference… My nose is blooding I can’t write a debrifing now sorry :smiley:


“Stopping in DOOM is death”.
“Every time you do it, it’s like this little hit of adrenaline”.
“It is more fun to even play than it is to watch”. Marty Stratton of id Software

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