Dual Universe: Upcoming SandBox Universe


Multiplayer ships flying through the air, that don’t have people clipping through the ship!

MMORPG.COM Dual Universe Multiplayer Crew

Dual Universe Multiplayer Ships!

Their Kickstarter

Wonder if they will make their Kickstarter. I have my doubts given contributions have slowed to a crawl and there is still over 110,000 pounds to go.

On the 13 remaining days and an average of 5k€ (the min. average on the last days) during 10 days, the campaign will reach ap. 434k€

The last 3 days represent 16,33% of the amount reached by Inovae, for a first goal at 300k.
The last 3 days represent 25.47% of the amount reached by Frontier Dev. for a first goal at 1.25M.

The last 3 days, with this pessimistic projection, the need 13.2% of the amount targeted by their first goal of 500k.

I think Keith is right, it would be surprising they don’t get it.

those ships werent going fast enough to demonstrate any advanced local grid tech or clipping issues, i dont know any decent games that would have netcode related clipping issues from a slow hovering platform.

Another stat => Only 1.14% of games projects failed at 81% or more

I almost backed, but then I saw that it’s a subscription game, and I don’t really feel it.

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There’s going to be so much drama from all the people who backed without realizing it was subscription based after this thing goes live.


Yeah, especially given that the tiers you start to get lifetime subs at are quite high. Also, it looks like they’re planning on going down the Plex route, but the way it’s advertised in the KS makes it sound so clumsy.

Also also, with the revenue stream detailed upfront, expect even more fury from backers when they realise that the developers are going to do an EVE and make damn sure people need to renew every month.

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I wonder if that 1.14% of failed projects are across the board because achieving the remaining 19% of a 100,000 pound game would be a lot easier than the remaining 19% of a 500,000 pound game. What’s more, DU has not reached 80% yet.

Yeah I didn’t back it because of that. Technically it’s really good, but in term of content, I didn’t see anything justifying this kind of business model

Real money seems to be on the center of everything in this game, it is not what I want to see in tomorow games


Maybe a lack of exposure/comm in the last days…

Well, they made the 81% mark with 7 days to go…

in the pocket :wink:

Weird, when I looked this morning could have sworn I saw 7 days to go but there are nine days. Must be the lack of morning coffee thing again. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

3 remaining days and already 497 449 €…

Aaaaaaaaaaand another space game in the pipe :smiley:

Is this paradise ? :slight_smile:

Looks like it’s a done deal. Can’t wait to hear all the comments about how some players have a massive advantage over others via scripting. lol!

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503011€ !

3 days to reach 600k€ ?

Very cool! :grinning: