Did you miss out on our Kickstarter?

Cool! I had an Alienware once. Do you have a laptop or desktop?

I built my own 5,500 dollar gaming pc :stuck_out_tongue:, AUD, not finished yet either (5500 is cost so far)
~sick as gaming machine tbh

Is this going to be cumulative, for the perk level? Should someone donate e.g. 50 bucks/mo for a while.

Looks like this means it is possible:

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Desk. It makes wired noises when I put in a disk. It was sent with a wrong cable so I had to wait a few days, I was told it needed an alien autopsy. :wink:

I must admit I’m a little disappointed that this didn’t happen on your website/in-house, and with the ability to upgrade KS pledges (not mine at this point). I guess you guys are doing what you can without having found a dedicated web developer yet. In my mind there’s more involved than percentage savings over pledges, and part of that is just company/game image, and control over presentation.

I notice that you can’t watch the intro video full-screen without going to YouTube first…

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They’ve said it is in the making, and they’re hoping to do both.

No we’re currently working on building the backer database so that we can get the Developer Access forums up. That doesn’t require anything from you guys and I’ll send out a mass email once everybody has been successfully turned on.

As @alpha mentioned we’re working on it. IndieGoGo is a workable solution until our own payment system is solid =).


Ah, so there will be space-boner inducing screenshots in the e-mail? :stuck_out_tongue:


So with having had two separate campaigns, what happens if a Kickstarter backer wants to increase their pledge to a higher tier but with having two separate systems in place it isn’t going to actually go towards the “total” pledge amount. This may be a better system for I-Novae but I was actually thinking about upgrading my pledge at some point, and this doesn’t seem to provide a seamless or even remotely practical way of doing that.

The IndiGoGo page is just a temporary solution until the integrated system is up and running.
You will be able to upgrade existing Kickstarter and IndieGoGo pledges on the final system.


Have the Kickstarter-backer-info emails been sent yet? Because I’ve seen at least one “Galactic Supporter” badge/title/thing.

No. Keith was experimenting on some of the Galactic Supporters using us as guinea pigs.


Ah, okay.

Screw the forum fairy.

Hello to all. I’ve managed to get in the boat too! Pledged today, on Indiegogo.

Kind regards,


Made my “Dec Access” donation last night and wanted to introduce myself. I’m looking forward to experiencing this journey with all of you soon! =)


Welcome to the forum :slightly_smiling:
We’ll be expecting you inside the battlescape quite soon then, in the upcoming weeks ^^

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Congratulations! Indiegogo is a pretty nice Plattform for expand and reach a broader community.


Just found out that Indiegogo now offers “equity crowdfunding” in partnership with MicroVentures: https://equity.indiegogo.com/.

Looks interesting. Maybe a way to develop Infinity beyond Battlescape? I’d be interested!

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Can we back project now through IB site or only through https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/infinity-battlescape#/?

If I understood properly, the INS pledge system is only for upgrades, so if you haven’t backed yet, you will need to do so on IndieGogo.

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