Developer Access Forum Category

Just wondering when Developer Access Forum Section will be opened?

@INovaeKeith @INovaeFlavien

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the “we put in a lot of money” forum

Really? :unamused:

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Maybe I should have appended it to say the “we put in a lot of money, we demand to be heard!” forum :wink:

They first need to get the results of the Kickstarter survey about who funded what and what their forum name is and then they need to put that data in the forum (by hand, if they haven’t or can’t create some sort of script for it).

I don’t think by immediate they meant right the second the KS gets funded. They meant immediate compared to the alpha and beta forums.

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Maybe I’m misinterpreting your post but it comes off as snarky. That is not what the Dev Access forum is about.

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I understand there are logistics involved, not demanding access or moaning about it, just want to hear the official word about it.

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Pretty much immediately as soon as the client is served.

Like the stereotypical 13 year old call of duty player? Also note: I said that as I am also in the “developer access” category, and such childish labels do not apply to me. Naturally.

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I like @selbie though. He is from Australia and I know him from Jumpgate Evolution wiki. :grin:

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I mean wikia.

Most likely when the dev access build ships and people start playing/giving feedback.