Controllers - JOYSTICK - HOTAS - XBOX (One,Pro,360,et al) General Thread

A thread for all controllers, keyboards, keypads and other touch display input units. Also SIM pit controller set ups.

HOTAS, Joysticks, Throttles. And of course Force Feebback Joysticks and HOTAS.

Something to kick this thread off with.

Thrustmaster TWCS Throttle - High End Flight Throttle - Some images -

Looks pretty good.

The TWCS Throttle will be available in September 2016 at the suggested retail price of €79.99 (taxes included).


That and the new T16000M will most likely be my next HOTAS setup.

Still waiting on word about the Grifta controller which is due some time this year. I’ve always loved the design of the Wii nunchuck controller so I immediately jumped on the chance to get this one despite the usual crowdfunded hardware delays.

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yup am waiting for this one …gulp
there is currently not much to choose from when it comes to throttles only.

Am I looking at it wrong or is that right hand only? I always imaged the throttle being left handed and the stick being used in your right hand. Am I imagining flight controller setups incorrectly?

It’s left handed. The vertical side with the 3 hats and orange button is where your thumb goes. The rest are controlled with your fingertips.

The rightmost image is what you’ll see when using it.

Oh I see! Those first 3 pictures are from the back. Makes 100% sense now.

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A new Xbox controller profile for the current build:

Or copy this text into a existing .xml:

<!-- Ship translation -->
<Input Event = "ShipZ" Reverse="true" Type = "Axis" />
<Input Event = "ShipForward" Keys ="Joystick0Axis4"/>
<Input Event = "ShipBackward" Keys ="Joystick0button4"/>
<Input Event = "ShipX" Type = "Axis" />
<Input Event = "ShipLeft" />
<Input Event = "ShipRight" />
<Input Event = "ShipY"  Type = "Axis"  Reverse="true" Keys = "Joystick0Axis1"/>
<Input Event = "ShipUp"  />
<Input Event = "ShipDown" />

<!-- Ship orientation -->
<Input Event = "ShipYaw" Keys = "Joystick0Axis2" Type = "Axis" />
<Input Event = "ShipYawLeft" />
<Input Event = "ShipYawRight" />
<Input Event = "ShipPitch" Keys = "Joystick0Axis3" Type = "Axis" />
<Input Event = "ShipPitchUp" />
<Input Event = "ShipPitchDown" />
<Input Event = "ShipRoll"  Keys ="Joystick0Axis0" Type = "Axis" Reverse = "true"/>
<Input Event = "ShipRollLeft" />
<Input Event = "ShipRollRight" />

<!-- Head orientation in cockpit mode -->
<Input Event = "Head" Keys = "Joystick0Button13" />
<Input Event = "HeadReset" Keys = "Joystick0Button13" DoubleTap="true" />

<!-- Ship controls -->
<Input Event = "PrimaryFire" Keys = "Joystick0Axis5" />
<Input Event = "SecondaryFire" Keys = "Joystick0Axis5" />
<Input Event = "Turbo" Keys = "Joystick0Button5" />
<Input Event = "ToggleReverseFlight" />

<!-- Ship systems -->
<Input Event = "Warp" Keys = "Joystick0Button1" />
<Input Event = "SystemsMenu" Keys = "Joystick0Button11" />
<Input Event = "WeaponsMenu" Keys = "Joystick0Button12" />
<Input Event = "CommsMenu" Keys = "Joystick0Button14" />
<Input Event = "SwitchFormation" Keys = "B" />
<Input Event = "Power" Keys = "P" />
<Input Event = "ToggleFrontLights" Keys = "L" />

<!-- Target speed in flight auto assist mode -->
<Input Event = "TargetSpeed0" Keys = "Joystick0Button2" />
<Input Event = "TargetSpeed1" Keys = "2" />
<Input Event = "TargetSpeed2" Keys = "3" />
<Input Event = "TargetSpeed3" Keys = "4" />
<Input Event = "TargetSpeed4" Keys = "5" />
<Input Event = "TargetSpeed5" Keys = "6" />
<Input Event = "TargetSpeed6" Keys = "7" />
<Input Event = "TargetSpeed7" Keys = "8" />
<Input Event = "TargetSpeed8" Keys = "9" />
<Input Event = "TargetSpeed9" Keys = "0" />
<Input Event = "DeltaTargetSpeed" Reverse="true" Type = "Axis" Keys = "Joystick0Button13 + Joystick0Axis1"/>
<Input Event = "IncrTargetSpeed" Keys = "Joystick0Button3" />
<Input Event = "DecrTargetSpeed" Keys = "Joystick0Button0" />

<!-- Targets selection -->
<Input Event = "TargetCenter" Keys = "Joystick0Button8" />
<Input Event = "TargetPrev" Keys = "Y" />
<Input Event = "TargetNext" Keys = "U" />
<Input Event = "TargetClosest" Keys = "G" />
<Input Event = "TargetNone" Keys = "Backspace" />

<!-- View controls -->
<Input Event = "Zoom" />
<Input Event = "ToggleZoom" Keys = "Z"/>
<Input Event = "CameraCockpitMode" Keys = "F1" />
<Input Event = "CameraExternalMode" Keys = "F2" />
<Input Event = "ControlScheme" Keys = "F4" />
<Input Event = "NextCameraMode" />

<!-- Other game systems -->
<Input Event = "Leaderboard" Keys = "Joystick0Button6" />
<Input Event = "MainMenu" Keys = "Joystick0Button7" />
<Input Event = "KeyboardMap" Keys = "F9" />
<Input Event = "Screenshot" Keys = "F11" />
<Input Event = "Debug" Keys = "F10" />
<Input Event = "Debug_RenderHUD" Keys = "F3" />

Recently got back into Battlescape to try out my Thrustmaster Hotas 4. While it took some time to get it configured. I found the control and response in the game quite good. I was able to aim and control quite smoothly. Certainly made the game more enjoyable. Thanks