Computer will not boot up after restarting from update

oh that is the fact that makes them faster.
It is old tech just scaled up. It was never intended for rewriting. For reading sure, but not for writing.
You can write on one sector only so many times…After a while that sector will fail.
This was biggest issue of first generations of SSDs the were rewriting constantly just one part of the disk and therefore that sector eventually became corrupted.
Modern SSDs have the feature that makes sure the all free sectors of disc take turns to be used.
But it is still only matter of time before it happens.
So SSDs yes but not for games. Only for something that stays unchanged like OS. …but that too can get change after a while.
I would say Main body of OS on SSD and program files and user settings on mechanical drive … that way yeah it could work well.

you just want to boot it from usb. Just like windows install cd
It will run even with internet access from your memory.
Don’t change anything on pc.
You do this only to diagnose.

It is possible you will have to turn-off secure boot in EFFI/bios or what you have…
Don’t worry it is not dangerous.

Once inside there will be this “disc utility” or disc tool i don’t remember correctly if it is same across all ubuntu flavors (i use mate)
This tool can make simple diagnosis…let me find a picture…
HA even better here is a vid

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Ok here is what is going on . i downloaded ubuntu in usb stick . set usb in boot menu as #1 option reboot and on reboot i just get on message saying my precision x (GPU utility isn’t compatible click OK and now i am looking at my windows desktop and have all functions of windows OS

Hold on … you saying you are back in Windows ?:face_with_raised_eyebrow:

yes it didnt ask to install linux , when it booted up it went to bios flash screen then told me one program wasn’t compatible then after i clicked OK it went right to my windows desktop. Im dumbfounded


oh i get it. Precision X evga soft for GPU…it has to be updating itself without your knowledge.
I would definitely not let it do that…

Oh well…anyway you should try the linux now that you have live stick ready :wink:
perhaps you will like it :smiley:

Yeah, actually you cant update that software unless you sign in. so it is not set to auto update. anyway I’m afraid to take the stick out it may not work again .let me see if i can find the logs for the i novae launcher

where are the past logs . is there a folder i could open

Windows has no idea what to do with it. You will have to try eventually… but first go play battlescape :wink:

c:\Users\your pc name\Documents\I-Novae Studios\Infinity Battlescape\Logs

i know i will have to try . think i will uninstall evga first though. wont hurt anything to uninstall it. in the mean time i will get the logs before i do

i dont see a folder for logs . i get to the battlescape folder and i just see Bin, Dev and Engine

guess it never needed to record anything yet…Keith ?
How about the game does it work ? ?

was looking in the wrong place found the logs

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so how do i post my log, there is a character limit

Post it as a multi line code block or just email it to

Ill just email. i did not see any logs for last night . so i am sending last one from the day before.

OK i’m trying it again. it updated from version 1.8 to 1.9 and now it had me sign in and it says a system reboot is required before the instillation can begin

right now it says it is launcher version

the Launcher worked and was able to get into game. later i will put my computer back together (install the 2 other GPUs i took out) and take the USB out and see if it boots.


Well, all I can say is: congrats ! I applaude your patience, sounds like you’ve been on a pretty tough road to get there… :wink:

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It sounds like you might not need to any more, but just to clarify, the idea is not to install Linux on your SSD, it’s just to run it straight from the USB drive. Ie, install Linux on the USB drive and boot from that. Linux doesn’t get copied or installed onto your SSDs at all.