Carrier is in this spot where it, sure, potentially is a strong weapon in the hands of a coordinated group, but still feels like it needs either more offenses (I disagree there), more defenses (maybe), or more utility (definitely this one, for me).
I mean I guess some people can disagree if they must, but they’d be missing out on how stupidly cool this would be.
This does hinge a bit on that I think there needs to be RTS-style controls added for the map and capital ships, as that’s how I see this “Jump” ability aimed to select the point in space you want to wind up at.
It’d be on the weapons menu like abilities are. You select where to end up, and instead of riding a wave of waved space the Carrier punches through to instantly appear there after a spool up time.
Allies would see an outline of where you’re going to end up, and it would show as a spawn in an area. Allies looking to spawn there as it is spooling up would either have their spawn queued up to launch after you arrive, or potentially this Jump ability could pull allies in a sphere around the Carrier to the point as well.
Everyone would see space being pinched where it’s targeting as well.
As strong as this is, I do not think it should have a long cooldown. You should be able to Jump in, spawn allies, Jump out. Though, I do think that if enemies stay in the radius of the Jump bubble, they could warp with it to finish the Carrier off from there, if that’s included (more on that below).
I also feel that the Jump should pull ships in the targeted area to the other side, swapping places, but I suppose that’s a bit ripe for abuse. I’m not sure. But if you’re pinching two points of space together, it does make sense that the Carrier and ships around it would fall through one way and the others on the other side would fall through another way. It’s not as though ships pulled through from the other side can’t just warp back there. At the very least, I like the idea of it pulling ships with it when it warps out. Potentially, you could even jump the defensive platforms around some stations onto an enemy station.
Perhaps it should drain cap, like say 40-50% of it. So you can at least do two jumps in quick succession.
I strongly feel the Jump should not be disabled by taking damage, as warp is. That would kill the potential crazy interesting uses of the ability.
Currently, I feel the Carrier’s big weakness, other than the fact that it can be blown up easily if someone isn’t shooting down torps and mines for you or it’s dogpiled by Cruisers, is mobility. It takes SO LONG to align to warp somewhere, to turn during warp, and to warp to begin with. But I also don’t think it should just turn around and strafe faster and stuff, where is where this Jump comes in to give it unique mobility. Even if you add a considerable spool up time, this would be a lot faster as you skip the whole orienting.
I think this Jump ability would give it the proper support role and capabilities it deserves.
And it’d be cool as fuck. I really can’t think of a more appropriate way to buff the Carrier without making it TOO strong.
And, yes, this includes that you should be able to jump the carrier into the atmosphere of a planet where is struggles against gravity, launch ships, and jump back out before you hit the ground. All complete with the loud clap from the atmosphere disappearing in the hole punched through space around the carrier and that vacuum suddenly being filled back in by the air around it.