Are you planning to up your pledge at some point of the campaign?

This is still not the place to discuss this. The tittle doesn’t say: “How can I change my live to have more money” it says “What more can I spare for this project at this time”, telling someone they should change because it’s better for them and, just by the way, could spare more, is overextending certain borders we should have when dealing with each other, at least when not in a discussion about it specifically.


I agree with Lomsor.
The current society doesn’t reward utility anyway: see how bloody private financial parasites are gaining more money than a public surgeon saving everyone’s life. So don’t get me started on who’s worthy or not of his situation.

So, back to topic!
I’m not ready to pledge up to 2k500 by myself. However, if there’s a gentleman agreement of 3 people of trust, we may divide the remaining 2k by 4, which would make 500 for each of the 3 gentleman and me.

But I’m only considering this option in the most dire need and if this action would really make a difference.

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Please relax everyone. While I understand you all really want this project to succeed, words cannot express how much that means to us, it has still been less than a week and I think it’s a bit premature to start getting too worked up. We’re seeing a steady stream of pledges. Do we wish we were still tracking for a $2mm+ KS, yeah, but we’re still making steady progress. We have a bunch of interviews and live streams we’re lining up for next week and we’re also going to start releasing additional content on our own.

Please keep spreading the word and I’m sure we’ll get to $300k soon enough!


I would also like to point out that we’ve had some members of the media come to us saying "I want to try out your game but I'm not going to pull any punches in my commentary". Our response has always been "We would never ask you to be anything but honest with your viewers". Every single one of them so far has walked away saying "That was one of the most incredible experiences I've ever had" (or something to that effect).


To the topic: I am still trying to get my pledge in in the first place - stupid Kickstarter payment options be praised. I got a virtual credit card on Friday that seems to have no hidden fees, but my bank seems to wait till the next workday to process my transaction bank account->card account, so i may have to wait till monday until i can even see if Kickstarter accepts the card. Fun. Ill pledge the maximum amount i can afford and justify right away, so definitely no pledge raise happening later. Ill throw my money in and see if it sticks, with all fingers crossed.

I had really loved watching the videos on YouTube of 20- and 30-something year old gamers, who seem to make a tidy sum of money playing games on the Internet, flying around Battlescape as if they’re 12 and being introduced to the Playstation for the first time. It’s been something to see, really.


I upped my pledge amount a bit. However watching play-through videos of the prototype is making my impatience starting to grow on me. The prototype just seems so playable already, but that $250 tier is a hefty jump. Earlier I thought that I didn’t want it due to the amount of feedback I would need to give through the whole development cycle.

Here is what would most likely push me to up my pledge:
1) For $150 tier - Getting the first internal build meant for the $250 tier with only serious bugfix updates.
2) For $250 tier - A guarantee for getting all already planned and unplanned future expansions and DLC relating to Infinity: Battlescape for the $250 tier mark, if not at $150. We could call unreached stretch goals as planned, so they might end up as expansions and DLCs.

You’re almost there, so just do it! That being said, I’m not sure about what bothers me more, Kaiche starving off of potatoes, or the fact that both of my posts were deleted and I got no notification whatsoever.

Come here and I will make you a pizza from scratch.

Fixed. :smile:

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I want the $250 one, but money is tight now. I’d upgrade at the end of the year if possible.

I can’t do more than ~200… I would definitely be pledging 500+ if not close to 1000 in the next 6mo-1yr, if funds are still accepted that long after the KS.

The more I watch the live gameplay videos, the more I’m convinced this is by far the best foundation for the most epic space combat game. All of the top games are way beyond worth paying for, but for me the seamlessness trumps everything else. Once we start fleshing out these mind meltingly huge dimensions the engine allows (with clouds and so on), it’s just going to make everything else look really conceited, way too artificial.

Nothing beats the awesome unadulterated vastness of actual outer space, and no game I know of does justice to that sheer uninterrupted scale like I:B. Never mind I:QE.

It would really be hard for me to justify considering the tier I pledged. However, something I’ve considered doing and something that others here might do is offer to match pledges made by others/friends. So if someone pledges $25, for instance, you make a $25 pledge in the name of one of their buddies.

Not sure if that’s really doable with Kickstarter’s system but it’s something I’ve been thinking about.

I started at $85 - despite that I’m in grad school and money is very tight, I do have a little wiggle room. I might be willing and able to bump it up to triple digits if I can save a dollar here and there this month.

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Potatoes and ketchup.

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I’m going to try to give up buying meat for a few weeks…that’ll reduce my spending on food!


Could I get feedback on my suggestion? What are the positives and negatives for such changes to the tiers.

The only negative I see for the $150 tier is that Keith and Flavien would have to make the prototype compatible to the hardware of more people.

I don’t think it’s possible to change the tiers during the KS, only add new ones.

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Yeah I’m with cybercritic, I dont know the rules about that, @Pendrokar.

I guess if it were allowed then… maybe? but for 150$ the build your asking for would have to be hosted on their servers too since there is no offline mode currently. Maybe an offline only build instead? Would have the risk of being distributed freely though.

I also think you have to be careful with the “all unplanned and planned DLC” because that could then impact Infinity: TQFE if it ever comes out.

I’ll probably increase my pledge closer to the home stretch…