Does I-Novae already have something arranged similar to Star Citizen, to raise more funding through the website, to launch after the Kickstarter ends?
I want to bring this up now because it’s something that should be set up now and ready to launch. The marketing being lacking makes me think this important thing may be missed.
It looks like the Kickstarter will raise somewhere between 350k-750k at its current pace, but you shouldn’t stop there.
I read somewhere that there was going to be a way to raise funding, but I’m posting this to drive home the importance to have that set up and ready, polished, and ready to go the moment the Kickstarter ends. Any time waiting to get it set up and on the site is money and time to reach the goals earlier lost.
Oh, and on such a page, similar to how the Kickstarter says, after $2.5million you should say something about how the money after that will go to pre-fund the expansion to it that adds a whole galaxy and multiple star systems, and that Infinity:Battlescape will be developed first so you don’t fall into feature creep and never releasing it.
And if you need some help/consulting with that, I have a bit of experience and can answer whatever.
Also here, Ideas for the Kickstarter
I also want to reiterate that I hope you guys hire someone that is experienced and talented with marketing. I’m not offering myself, god no, but you guys seem largely lost there. No offense, and all, I’m saying that out of love because I want this to succeed and a huge part of making games is marketing them. That’s just how it is.
With someone good at marketing, and the right updates to the site to promote it and collect more funding, I think you could raise that 1.5million for a studio by sometime in 2016 for sure. But just hoping or leaving it up the community won’t do it and the devs need to spend more time marketing, I believe. You don’t want to fall into that trap where you’re spending more time on marketing than actually making a game, but still, it’s important.