2017 Predictions and News (casual thread)

Year 2017. Launch the alpha for those who pay the access for fall of the year 2016…:rage:

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An interesting point! Who knows what will happen for Battlescape this year?

We have a functional WIP prototype for dev backers, and now a pledge upgrade system also, so I predict Alpha will come at some point this year… hopefully… (It had better)…

BUT, when it does launch, #Battlescape2017 will become the number one trending topic on teh Interwebs and I-Novae become millionaires overnight.




-Trump invades Saudi Arabia after accusing them about having nuclear weapons. No evidences found whatsoever for the accusation, no nuclear weapons found after the invasion either.

-We get a new registered weather world record

-I:B beta is released at December

Good call :stuck_out_tongue: That always seems to happen recently. It’s almost like changes in weather and climate have never happened before…

Will 2017 be the most boring or exciting year, weatherwise? Heatwaves and blizzards or lukewarm temperatures in every season?

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inb4 Earth turns into Venus

2017: the year of the Linux desktop.

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I seriously doubt that but I guess anything is possible.

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I find your lack of faith… Disturbing :stuck_out_tongue:


There were many things we seriously doubted in 2016. Never say never! :wink:


There is definitely some movement towards it by Microsoft so I wouldn’t be surprised that it gets a boost in support over the coming year. I find it to be such an easy OS to use even though I have almost no knowledge on the advanced stuff (and even then, it looks to be something easy to learn and powerful when mastered).


Linux is easily the least user friendly OS relative to Windows and OS X. Its driver situation has improved over the years but is still largely a mess - particularly where GPU’s are concerned. Microsoft has pivoted toward supporting Linux development on Windows because a lot of server software runs on Linux. To that end it has ported some of its server software, such as SQL Server, to Linux. There hasn’t been any pivot toward the Linux desktop. In fact Windows 10 now has its own Ubuntu shell which, if anything, makes Linux on the desktop less relevant since you can now get all of the cmd line goodness of Linux with the vastly superior UX of Windows.

The only advantage Linux has is cost which in my personal and professional experience is immediately negated by time since using the OS is such a pain in the ass that burns hours and hours of time while trying to get stuff working.


Point taken :laughing:

I disagree in part though. The user interface in Ubuntu is far better than Windows or OSX from my personal experience.

Drip feeding bits of unpredictable news this year is going to be easy with a certain president around…

Hmm, investigating the same election that made him president, claiming illegal voters? I’m going to name him Chuckles, because that’s what he gives me. We Brits love a good bit of irony!

The claim that voter fraud happened isn’t really debatable. The question is how many illegals voted. California has a sizeable chunk of hispanics and a large number of illegal immigrants, there really is no doubt that some of them voted. You don’t need a proof of citizenship AFAIK to vote. There were even some people on twitter on election day that boasted about voting even though they aren’t citizens. Even india has voter id laws, that democrats block every attempt to have them in the us isn’t surprising considering that illegals tend to favor lax immigration laws.
The votes that hindered Trump to get the popular vote came largely from california, coupled with the fact that leftist try to undermine the legitimacy of the trump presidency by bringing that up pratically forces Trump to adress voter fraud IMO.


Yes, its quite ridiculous and backwards not to have voter id laws. It also shows how racist democrats are when they say african americans would have problems voting if ID was required.

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Heres my prediction for 2017:

Merkel will win the elections again, social democrats will loose badly.

I also predict at least one other terror attack in europe (10+ dead).

@Playbenni I’m not sure where you get your information from but there is no evidence of widespread or even modest voter fraud. Details here: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/12/01/0-000002-percent-of-all-the-ballots-cast-in-the-2016-election-were-fraudulent/?utm_term=.a141311ec3f9

Yay for optimism!

Thats a weird article. They claim voter fraud only exists if there is a news article about it. If they are to be believed not a single illegal voted, which is nearly impossible since illegals posted pictures even on twitter photographing their votes beeing cast and the simple notion that it doesn’t happen at all is questionable . Frankly there is no way of counting all votes by illegal immigrants since there is no system in place to do that. America is one of the richest countries, the worlds only super power but somehow you can’t id your voters.
I am not claiming that the numbers Trump claims are accurate.

So what you’re suggesting is that in the over 200 years we’ve been running elections, in which you do have to be registered (I’m assuming you didn’t know that because you’re European?), we suddenly have rampant fraud in the 2016 election? On top of that you’re citing random people posting pictures on Twitter as evidence?

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