A new patch just has been released by I-Novae. Here are the Patchnotes: Patch and Updates Notes
Well done to INS. It seems like the vision they tried to share here New HUD mockups for small ships really materialised and it also looks like there was a lot of work to make this work in the background.
It really lines up with what was shown in the mock up thread. I’ve seen some don’t like the direction as it is quite a bit of a switch from the old aesthetic but by itself it works.
For me it was pretty straightforward to use. All I needed to know is the F4 button thing. The “save” and “load” thing takes a thought to understand but I think that’s the best possible version to do.
The buttons for “enlarge” and “compress” result in sometimes a bit wonky behavour but I don’t think that’s a bug and rather just uncertainty having to be dealt with in some way or another.
Setting up the HUD isn’t a high stress situation and it was pretty straightforward. I really didn’t expect that most of the elements would become MFDs but I like the change. The default layout also seems alright.
What is a bit off is the exception to how all the MFDs work. The target info. It’s the only one that normally has a space right right side of the crosshair but if placed in a virtual MFD space, it is removed.
I can guess why this has been done, several of us in the event weren’t able to find out what was going on with it until Hutch told us.
It would be more intuitive if there would be another vMFD on the right side and that one would be used for the target info.
Maybe this hasn’t been done that way because of ultra-wide screens and that vMFDs would be farther from the centre then with a 16by9 screen … if that’s the case then maybe such a workaround is indeed needed.
All in all. Great. I really love how the load-out section has again been reduced. Nice.
Having almost all sections of the HUD movable and on/off switchable is really powerful and intuitive. This is much more clear then a “3D/Front/Back” setting in the options.
The outlines are incredible amazing! I can read text that has it now in most situations. Amazing. Thanks so much.
Much better!
I noticed today that, when using a analog input (e.g. joystick) with direct mode still moves the “virtual cursor” in the background, even though it is invisible. This means that the closest target hihgliting starts to flicker as the joystick is moved quickly across the screen.
At first it confused me as the “virtual cursor” wasn’t visible but then I noticed what was going on.
I had “direct” on the Interceptor set and “Target” on the Bomber. In “direct” mode this doesn’t happen.
Nice on the little Discord link change. Thanks for taking the small time to change the link to a better landing “page”.
Hutch mentioned you were looking for some ideas for additional vMFDs.
On a lighter note a “velocity vector” vMFD would be nice. Maybe an arrow with a sphere in its middle showing the velocity vector at all times.
To me another thing I often would need is a list of “viable resupply points” sorted by distance. The first thing I need to do once I decide I need to gtfo and then getting out of there is searching for a resupply point. Be it local or remote dock or corvette. Depending on ship class of course.
On the other side another module could show (corvette) pilots ships in need of repair. This way a corvette could heal multiple ships without having to switch target constantly to check if they are still in range and if they are already finished healing.
If people play very coordinated it could also be useful for big fleet ops to see which target is being focused fast and defending that target, even if it wasn’t in your squad or even if it was a bot.
Maybe a threat list would be nice with incoming missiles and mines.