What about exotic space objects?

Talking about the MMO Infinity: Quest for Earth and the implementation of these objects into the game, what about Black Holes, Pulsars, Quasars, dead/cold star cores, rogue planets? They shouldn’t be hard to do i think.

And what is your view on sci-fi objects like Dyson Spheres, Ringworlds, Skyhooks or Topopolis?

Also, since I:QE is about finding Earth will I:B take place in another star system and not in the Solar System to tie it with I:QE lore?

This has been discussed extensively on the old forums.
Though I have to say you have summed up pretty much every object that was topic of said discussions … touche.

We don’t really know. I would say it won’t be trivial. Not only have those exotic object mostly extreme propotions that may bring the engine to certain limits or not inteded uses but also may be difficult to implement gameplay wise. How do you make said objects interesting, findable, play well with the rest of the content and findable?

IA said that finding earth will be the goal of the game pre release (beta / gamma / whatever) and that the subtitle will be dropped/changed afterwards. This information may be outdated tough.

All of these were low priority, not-at-release objects at the best of times. Some of them are interesting, but ultimately they are difficult to do right.

Take black holes: These are inherently difficult to do properly, as they’re non-Newtonian objects with exceptionally strong magnetic fields. Getting active black holes correct means coming up with a reasonable model for the accretion disk, infall region, and bipolar jets. Getting quiet black holes correct means coming up with a decent lensing effect. These are all possible, but they’re beyond being side projects. And if they can’t get them right, they shouldn’t bother including them.

Pulsars aren’t really much easier. They’re also non-Newtonian, and will generate a lensing effect. They can have accretion disks, particularly when they’re paired up with closely orbiting red giants, and so can have bipolar jets as well (jets that are distinct from their “pulse” radio jets).

Sci-fi gets accretion disks horrendously wrong, and I’d much rather Infinity just avoid them entirely if they can’t do them right. Most accretion disks in the universe are of the compact-object-stealing-material-from-a-giant-neighbour variety. Sci-fi tends to have them just existing in a (no pun intended) vacuum. Something has to feed those disks!

Quasars are extragalactic objects. A game set in a galaxies located within a billion light-years of Earth simply will not have quasars in it.

“Cold star cores” are better known as black dwarfs. None are believed to exist in the entire universe, because the universe isn’t old enough for them to exist yet. For a white dwarf to cool to the temperature of the Sun, it’s estimated to take around a million times the current age of the universe.

Rogue planets would be easy to do from a planet-building perspective, but they were an exceptionally low priority for IA the last time they came up, and could possibly require changes to the galaxy generation model. With Infinity’s development being detoured, rogue planets are probably the most direct and obvious addition to the galaxy map (barring technical issues I can’t foresee).

Tisk tisk you left out space wales. Fixed :stuck_out_tongue:

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There def could be wormholes that lead to undiscovered parts of the galaxy, or lead to a network of wormhole systems. That would be the easiest to do.

Why? What does this add, exactly?

To steal as much from eve as possible.

@lolsparta4 : You realize that just putting a feature from another game in a totally different one without tweaking it at least a little mostly don’t work.

Space whales and Brothels!

“space whales” and “brothels”, “space”, “whales”, and “brothels”, or “space whales” and “space brothels”?

And Space Squids

Hmph. Everyone’s forgetting the monocles. These space whales must have monocles.

exotic space stuff eg hookers

With monocles?

Would that be space monocles?

lol at quasars, they’re galaxy sized.

If your main point is to suggest a “teleportation” gate to reduce travelling time (and i also mean the player’s time !) then maybe we can do something different, as it seems Eve is already implementing this.

From a physical point of view, wormholes are almost the same as blackholes in term of close objects vicinity: there can be little to none (and by “objects” i mean big things like solar systems, not gas soup). So taking one of them would mean exiting the standard space zone (or departure), go to the wormhole which is an rahter empty zone, travel, arrive at the empty exit zone, and travel again to your destination zone.

Besides, we’re still unsure if the “natural” wormholes are 100% stable over time, where the entry point takes you and what exactly happens to matter (will a living being still be in one piece at the exit ?).

If “warp technology” is considered in the game, I would suggest that it would be based on anti-matter. If memory serves, there’s a scientific hypothesis that with enough anti-matter (a few grams would suffice) colliding matter, it would create a “3D space bubble” if contained and directed properly. If a ship is at the center of the bubble, it would slide through 3D space with little effect on time. Like a portative wormhole, “teleportation device” as would say the magic-inclined guys :slight_smile:
Though the hypothesis does not exactly resolve the problem of direction, it requires less “empty space” around the ship than would a “normal” wormhole. Warping inside the solar system with a safe distance from any planet or giant gas planet, or even just outside the solar system, should be possible.

Now of course that would require some “anti-matter” creation, so only big ships could make it. My suggestion is to have “pick-up” ships, bus lines if you wish. Either they come at regular time, or they arrive when called, quicker when more people are expecting a ride.

It’s not only “where” a wormhole would lead you, but also “when”. In fact, if both ends of the black hole are, say, in two places where gravity is different (like near a neutron star and in deep space), the two would age at different speeds, meaning that the time difference between entry and exit would vary.
Basically, wormholes would allow for time travel. And I’m not even sure constraints that can be applied on FTL travel to prevent its secondary use as time travel (special reference frame for the sake of FTL, prevention of movement that would create a close space-time loop…) can be applied to a wormhole.

That’s negative matter, not anti-matter. The difference, IIRC, is that negative matter is “made” of negative energy, and has fun propreties like negative mass (it repels instead of attracting). Both matter and anti-matter are “made” of positive energy, which is released when opposed particles collide.
For what I know, there could be negative matter and negative anti-matter, releasing negative energy when colliding their opposed particle.
If negative energy can exist and be created/haversted in this universe, one could indeed use it for fun stuff like antigrav, and space bubbles described with the Alcubierre drive, but this one has problems on its own (as in, requiring more energy than contained in the observable universe, flash-disintegrating any planet at the exit point…).
So, better to not try to tie it too much to this one.

In the old forum, the Infinity universe was described as having a few giant stargates for ships (by pairs, IIRC, not network), mostly to connect the three distant cores. It was supposed to be possible for an end-game player group to build one in the MMO, but probably as one of the hardest, more demanding assets of the game, including massive run and maintenance costs.
That would work better than natural wormholes, IMHO : not only does it stretch suspension of disbelief less, but it also means that those gates really bring something. If not, there wouldn’t have been built in the first place.

Giant pick-up ships were suggested in the old forum instead of gates IIRC, but then if they are fast enough to cross galactic arms in seconds or minutes, the question is, why aren’t capital ships equiped with similar drives, and why can’t those ships be used to go from anywhere to anywhere?
Stargates are simpler, more efficient, and make more sense IMHO.

And what with people wanting quasars? Genuire question, it feels like each time there is a thread about exotic objects, someone is asking for quasars, despite it making as much sense as asking for radiogalaxies or Great Attractors in the Infinity galaxy.

They would be, but stargates are not what you would call original. There’s an entire sci-fi series called Stargate, the entire X universe (up to the terrible XR) relies on Warpgates, even B5 has “hyperspace gates” that serves basically the same purpose.

To me, a form of space gate would be plausible, but, to me at least, unoriginal.

I would prefer a Type II or III, according to the link you gave, available for larger-class ships, but smaller ships would have to have either a different/short range drive. Then simply not make stargates.

This would mean that exploration missions involving smaller craft must have a base carrier, then launch scouts to explore the immediate area. Perhaps smaller craft can have access to a long-range drive, but it would be slower than the larger versions. But we could dedicate an entire thread to warp/hyper/whatever drives.

Then do so :wink:
I like the stargates. it would make it easier for small ships to set up a base out in the middle of no were. Then people wouldn’t have to save up for a big ship. Really though it comes down to balance.

Lolwut? antimatter does not create a warp bubble. That’s negative energy.