Traditional Art (Do NOT Post Here. Let it Die.)

Your thoughts on traditional art? I prefer it over digital sketching/paintings. Physically-created artwork appears to have much more gravitas and worth.

I remember seeing some fan art (I think it was fan art) done with markers. That was pretty cool!


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Ok, I’ll bite.


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I do not value gravitas in art, and I’m unsure what sort of worth, exactly, you’re talking of here.

I do not believe that you, or anyone else, can post an image here that will convince anyone physical is the way to go.

I do, however, think that the tricount and texture resolution possible in the real world makes it absolutely impossible for digital to compete as far as static art goes. Well, digital art may be easier to get good at, giving it an early advantage, but a physical painting can, for example, have actual physical depth if created with many layers of paint, something that simply isn’t possible to give to something that will only ever be displayed as a pattern of lights in a flat surface.

Of course, if what you’re doing with your art is posting it on the internet, obviously the advantages of the physical world cease to apply and being able to render every leaf on a tree, calculating how it will shade and light the leaves and objects around it, before running it through anti-aliasing and whatnot suddenly gains the upper hand.

You can’t compare the value of digital art and traditional art, it is as simple as that. They are two different art forms with different purposes. Digital art is mainly used as a tool for the industry, where you can achieve good and fast results with minimum cost. Traditional art is basically luxury and culture. Anyway both art forms are tools to create something - in the end the quality and “worth” of traditional or digital art depends on the maker, the artist, a human mind. another thing why you can’t compare these two is because they are different mediums. Digital art uses light colours, traditional art object colours. Also digital art is not easier, like in traditional art you have to learn how to use your tools, but it is more comfortable, you don’t have to fear failure so much as you can redo things.

Eggs. I’m not talking about in-game art. Also, I’m comparing them from an aesthetic aspect, not quality. Although, I’ve considered what games would seem like if they used textures which were physically painted and scanned.

Here’s a matte painting of mine. It’s pretty crappy.

Here’s a drawing. it is also crappy!!

I really have nothing to say about these. 'Just felt like sharing.

I do not value gravitas in art, and I’m unsure what sort of worth, exactly, you’re talking of here.

Well, I do not care to elaborate, Ma’dam.

Digital art looks like slippery pickles and traditional art looks like dried paint.

You can’t compare the value of digital art and traditional art, it is as simple as that. They are two different art forms with different purposes.

They’re exactly the same. That’s why you can compare them.

Let’s get semantic!

Traditional art is basically luxury and culture.

How is that basically what it is? Why isn’t it underwhelmingly luxury and culture? I think it’s underwhelming when you kick the good crayons in the knees and consider them only for luxury or culture! :frowning:

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Yes, yeah. You do need to redo things in digital art. All art is procedural. You tried to pretend I don’t know what a Ted-Nelson button is for the sake of writing more words…

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New rule! NEVER talk to Indicable about art!

Sextuple post? Really? I wasn’t even sure what the word for that was.

Edit: So what should we talk to Indicable about?

Don’t argue with him or he will clutter the threads :smile:

Are you incapable of not pretending each post belongs to a different person? You!

Is this traditional art? I think it is.

(spray paint?)

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If you post images on the internet, How do you know if it is traditional or digital? seriously. Digital art has pixelation, traditional art doesn’t. However by posting it, It becomes digital art.
Can you really tell the difference between them when it’s posted on the internet?

The only art I find unpleasant is where there’s badly done photoshopping.

For example take the first one Andre posted.
It assaults my eyes - It’s clearly a composition of different images merged together. You can clearly see semi-transparent mergey awfulness going on and the scale of the explosion on the left is just ridiculous. I find my eyes are drawn to it and it’s distracting and frankly looks silly. To me.

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Yes, and I’m surprised people can’t. :frowning:

I guess lossy image compression is the culprit.

Keith keeps telling me to stop assaulting peoples eyes.