Infinity:Battlescape will be a team game and teamwork will be an important component, not just in deciding the victor of a match, but also in making the game engaging and entertaining for the pilots. The ability to fly in formation, to pool resources to purchase capital ships, and to spawn at carriers all show that the developers intend for teamwork to be a large part of the game. But how do you encourage teamwork with hundreds of players scattered across multiple battlescapes spread out among an entire solar system? How does the team decide who to donate resources to for the purchase of capital ships, which capital ships those players will buy, and where to fly those capital ships? How does the team decide what to do with so many voices suggesting different things in the middle of a hectic combat situation? Without a great deal of team spirit and communication I fear things will rapidly devolve into something close to an every pilot for themselves dog-fighting simulator with only small squads working together in any meaningful way.
I think having a team commander may go a long way towards promoting teamwork and making the game more fun. First, let me go through the rationale for why I think a commander would be useful and then address the specifics of how the role might work and the difficulty of implementing it.
With multiple battlescapes spread across the system there is the potential for many battles to be occurring simultaneously. Having a commander to coordinate attacks and defenses would of course be useful to a team, but also promote cooperation and I think make playing the game more fun. Suggesting where players are needed, whether they need bombers or interceptors, and which targets they should focus fire would all be essential roles of a commander. Having a commander also allows for more advanced tactics such as simultaneous attacks, diversionary attacks, and stealthy group maneuvers. All of these would be very difficult to manage between strangers on the fly with no commander.
A commander would also help a great deal with resource management. According to the kickstarter page, resources are to be randomly distributed among the players on a team, with the option for those players to donate their resources to another player for the purchase of more expensive things. I have trouble seeing this working on public servers filled with strangers. If I were playing with friends in a squad, then sure, I would contribute money for a trusted squadmate to purchase a capital ship, and then fly alongside it and support it. But in a public game full of strangers would anyone really give their own resources to a random person asking for it? How can I trust this person not to ram an asteroid, fly it into the sun, or go on a suicidal solo attack run against the enemyâs most heavily defended installation? A commander could alleviate this problem by deciding what capital ships are needed and informing the team who to donate to. One simple setup would be for any players who want to follow the commander to simply donate money to the commander, and the commander can then distribute it to the right players. Once a capital ship is purchased the commander can inform the team of its location and destination, and encourage team members to support it.
A final role for a commander would be diplomacy. Since there are going to be three teams, inter-team communication and coordination could also be a very interesting and rewarding aspect to the game. When one faction grows too powerful the other two can team up to bring them back down. But I donât see how a diplomatic discussion between two teams of multiple people all of whom are currently flying ships in combat could ever work. And even if two teams did reach some sort of consensus of truce or general agreement to work together it would be instantly broken by rogue individuals. I think this sort of cooperation would be practically impossible without a single commander to do the negotiating. If the diplomatic talks happened between commanders then it seems to me that things could actually get done.
I think commanders would go a long way towards fostering teamwork and more interesting gameplay. Without them I fear that the entire game is at risk of becoming launch, fight, die, launch again. Commanders would allow the team to work together and execute complex strategies that would elevate the gameplay above a team deathmatch. There are several team based combat games with some amount of resource management and progression and to my knowledge they all have commanders. Allegiance (which is actually fairly close to I:B in terms of setting, flight mechanics, team sizes, and game length), Natural Selection 2, and Planetside 2 all have commanders in some sense.
So how would commanders be implemented? Very simply I think. All you need is a voting system that allows players to elect a commander. Anyone who wants to be commander nominates themselves, a popup asks the rest of the team to vote yes or no, and if a majority of the team votes yes then they are made commander. At any time another player may nominate themselves and if they receive a majority of the votes they replace the old commander. What do commanders get? Maybe make everything they type a little bigger, a little bolder. Just something to signify they are the commander. Perhaps the ability to pin standing orders to the top of the chat box so people know what they should be doing. That should be all that is necessary. Commanders donât need any additional powers or privileges. Players would be free to listen to or ignore the commander as they pleased, but presumably the majority of them, having voted for the commander in the first place, would pay some heed.